Page 82 of McKenzie Cousins Box Set 1
“Sis, give it a rest, and I genuinely want to know how the folks are.”
Sirena sticks her lip out in a fake pout but it’s quickly lost. “They’re both fine.” She smiles. “Mom takes any opportunity to look after her grandson, and Dad even missed a meeting at the office so he could stay and help. Alexander had him on conference call so that he and Uncle Sebastian could be a part of the final decision.”
“Ah, the finishing of the building in the business district. Alexander has kept me informed.” I turn to Garrett, “They’ve been running behind and we can’t get to the bottom of why. I think I’m going to ask Uncle Ramon to go in and have a look.”
“Do you know the foreman?”
I shake my head. “He’s new but came with references I checked myself.” I frown. “I’m not sure it’s him. I have a feeling it could be one of the contractors.”
“Brooke, would you mind helping me put Elias to bed?” Sirena smiles, allowing Garrett to help her up. He leans and kisses his son on the top of his head.
“I’d love too.” Brooke kisses me on the lips, and whispers, “Lot’s more where that came from later.”
Garrett’s faint chuckle fills the room as we watch the women leave us not he balcony.
“She’s sweet,” Garrett observes.
“Yes, she is. I enjoy her company and long for her to be with me when she isn’t.” I shrug and move to look at the view over the bay. “She makes me long for what you and Sirena have,” I admit, slightly embarrassed.
Garrett smiles softly and follows my gaze. “Sirena was like a breath of fresh air when she landed in my arms in the elevator. I honestly didn’t think she’d be interested in someone so much older than she is, but well, I thank God everyday that she was.” He pats my shoulder. “If you feel that way about her, then don’t let her get away because you won’t find anyone else like her.”
“I have no intention of letting her go anywhere unless it’s with me.”
“In exchange for that bit of advice, how about you tell me what’s really going on with Alexander?” He raises a brow.
I laugh but look back at their room checking for Sirena or Brooke. “I don’t know anything.” I hold my hand up. “Keep this quiet okay?”
He nods.
“He hasn't said anything but I’m not sure if there’s a falling out between him and Rachel, or what’s really going on between them. Something is, I just can’t put my finger on just what.”
“This might be news to you but we’ve all noticed that. Sirena has tried to get Rachel to tell her, but she claims there isn’t anything. She isn’t talking to her twin either.”
I shake my head and perch on the balcony. “I’ve my suspicions, which I’m not about to speak about so please don’t ask.”
“I won’t.” He laughs. “So, is everything going okay between you and Mitchell?”
I grin at his change of subject, but accept it. “Never better. He knows what he wants and so does his wife, which helps tremendously with the design. Makes my life easier. It also means that I’m nearing the end of what I can do here.”
“Does Brooke know?”
“She will…I want her to come to Lexington with me.”
“I figured you would.” Garrett stares out at the water for a few minutes and then says, “You do know that she has a good job in New York? For a publishing house.”
My head snaps around as I meet Garrett’s gaze. “I didn’t know that.”
“You’ve never asked me,” Brooke says in a small voice as she walks out of the villa to join us.
From the corner of my eyes, I watch as Garrett slips away, while I offer Brooke a slight smile. “I should have asked. I’m not even sure why I didn’t.”
“I love my job Michael, but the beauty of it is that I can work from anywhere.” She smiles. “I quite often work from home because I hate the city.” I cup her face, and listen when she adds, “I don’t know where we are going or what you actually want, so I didn’t think to offer the information up. I hadn’t thought that far ahead.”
She shrugs and moves to sit down. “I dated for a while in college, but there hasn’t really been anyone since then. This, with you, is new, and scary, I guess.”
“You don’t need
to be scared of me.”