Page 81 of McKenzie Cousins Box Set 1
My eyes widen in surprise and then I laugh. “Is that right?”
He places me back on my feet and taps my bottom. “That’s fact, Ms Jordan.”
Giggling, I take his hand, turn it over and kiss the palm. “I look forward to that, although I’m sure that no sweet talk is needed.” I smirk. “I mean, wouldn’t I have to be wearing panties for you to sweet talk them off me?” I wink and turn tail.
He catches up to me and pulls me to stop. “Please tell me you have panties on.”
Glancing into his face, I realize he’s serious as his features are pulled tight. So taking pity on him, I press a hand to his chest and say, “I have panties on.”
He lets out a relieved breath. “Thank you! I wasn’t sure how the heck I was going to sit beside you for dinner knowing that you were naked beneath the dress.”
I smile and bury my face in his chest so that he doesn’t see the small lie I just told him.
“Dinner awaits.”
While chatting with Garrett, my eyes constantly stray beside me to Brooke who looks so happy as she whispers to Sirena. I can’t help but smile at her, or my nephew who is wrapped up in his mother’s arms, falling fast asleep. In fact, I’m so distracted with Brooke that I’ve only just realized Garrett is no longer talking to me. I glance at him and see the humor in his gaze.
He shakes his head. “We keeping you from something?” he drawls.
Brooke and Sirena glance at me so I grin. “No.” I brush the hair over Brooke’s shoulder. “I’m just enjoying the view.”
Brooke turns a lovely shade of pink at my words. Leaning closer, I breathe a whisper of a kiss against her shoulder.
“Nothing compares to the view that I have on a daily basis.” Garrett kisses the head of his child before kissing Sirena’s cheek. “So,” he faces me, “how far are you into the project?”
“A good way. There's still a lot to do, but most of it will be done once I’m back home and have Alexander on it with me.”
Brooke goes quiet when I mention ‘home’ so I squeeze her hand in reassurance. We’ll talk about her travel plans later.
“Wouldn’t it have been quicker and easier for Alexander to be here with you?” Garrett asks.
“It would have, but we didn’t want to leave the office short handed. Besides, he’s working on your hotel from what I’ve heard.” I smile. “Charlotte has started adding to it from what he's been saying.”
“She’s come up with some good ideas, which are being implemented. They're working well together.” Garrett glances at his wife.
“What’s up with Alexander?” Sirena asks. “He’s been distracted, which is why I think he’s been working well with Charlotte. They usually wind each other up if there isn’t anyone else there to act as referee.”
“I don’t know.”
Sirena raises a brow. “Really?”
“Gee sis, we’re not like a bunch of girls who gossip about everything.”
“You could ask and then tell me.” She grins.
Brooke snuggles into my side, so I place my arm around her back and let my hand rest on her hip. “I’m not asking him anything. Leave him alone, Sirena. Please.”
She perks up. “So you do know something.”
Garrett laughs. “Wife, I think you need to stop asking questions.”
“How are Mom and Dad?” I ask.
“Changing the subject, huh? That wasn’t cool.” Sirena’s eyes sparkle with laughter and I know she’ll get what she wants eventually. We always gave in to her when we were kids.