Page 31 of McKenzie Cousins Box Set 1
I brush his hair back from his forehead in a loving caress and when his eyes meet mine he kisses my hand and keeps it against his lips while he turns back to the monitor. This time I follow his gaze and watch as our baby sleeps, snug and happy, inside of me.
“A miracle,” I whisper.
“That it is.” Garrett stands, and leaning over me, kisses me so sweetly on the lips. “Thank you for allowing me to be a part of this.”
Laying a palm against his face, I add, “You’ve been a part of this since we met in that elevator.” I bring him closer and sweep a kiss over his lips.
Hearing a throat being cleared, he pulls back with a grin on his face for the doctor who looks close to tears.
“I’m thinking that you’ve gotten it right this time, Sirena,” she observes.
No words are needed as she cleans my belly and pulls my shirt down all the while Garrett holds my hand and wears a goofy grin on his handsome face.
“She has gotten it right this time. She’s mine and I’m going to treat her like a princess.”
A heavy sigh comes from the doctor. “Please tell me you have a single brother who is just like you . . .” she raises a brow and waits.
Giggling, I answer, “He has a married brother, I’m afraid.”
“Oh well.” She smiles bringing over the blood pressure cuff. “Let’s get this checked and see how we’re doing.”
She keeps me relaxed on the examination table while my eyes stay on Garrett. He looks overcome with emotion while he sits silently beside me with my hand in his. I know exactly how bewildered and joyful I’d felt the first time I saw my child on the screen, and it was the time that it became real to me. Even though I’d known that I was pregnant it was as though nothing had really sunk in until that day, and that the small miracle on the screen was really mine. It was the first day that it hit me hard that I was going to become a mother, and the fact that Harry wouldn’t be around. A harsh kick in the butt really, except I focused on my small miracle and refused to let anything overshadow my excitement.
“Hmm,” the doctor murmurs, not looking happy when my gaze swings back to her. “Your blood pressure is up . . . let’s do it again and no worrying this time.”
“Okay.” The grip on my hand slightly tightens before it slackens and Garrett is kissing my knuckles.
This time around I allow my thoughts to drift to the man who holds my heart, and if I’m honest the only man or even person to have that honor who isn’t family.
He’s a handsome man and every time he smiles in my direction my heart pounds with love and excitement. It didn’t take long, but I’ve finally come to the conclusion that he really does love me and that the baby is an added bonus.
The way he makes me feel when he touches me . . .
A throat being cleared snaps me out of my fantasy and with a slight blush, I meet the worry on the doctor’s face. My smile falls. “How high?”
“It isn’t dangerously high,” she admits, but I hear the silent yet at the same time. “I want you to rest up for the next couple of days. I mean do nothing Sirena.” She glances at my file. “I notice you’ve changed address, which happens to be close to me. So I’ll call by and see you Wednesday evening on my way home and check your blood pressure again. That gives you the rest of today and all of tomorrow to rest and we’ll take it from there.”
“What if it doesn’t go down?” Garrett asks.
“If it stays the same then we can monitor it while she stays at home. However,” she looks at me, “if your blood pressure starts going higher then I’ll have to admit you to the hospital.”
“We don’t have anything for the baby,” I comment and out of nowhere I start crying.
Struggling to sit up, Garrett helps me, and keeping me in his strong arms, rests his cheek on the top of my head while rubbing my back in soothing strokes. “It’s okay, honey. Everywhere has online stores these days, so we’ll go home, I’ll make us lunch, and then we’ll hunt through the Internet. Our baby’s room will be amazing. I promise.” He kisses me on my forehead. “I promise,” he whispers.
“Were you planning on going shopping from here?” my doctor asks.
I nod, and Garrett answers. “We were, but Sirena and our child’s health comes first.”
Silence follows and then she says, “If you promise not to over do it, and to find somewhere in the store to sit, then I’ll allow it—two hours maximum though. Like I said your blood pressure isn’t dangerously high, but I do want it monitored more closely. Hopefully it won’t go any higher, but I’m not taking any chances, okay?”
“I’ll make sure she rests.” Garrett squeezes my shoulder.
The doctor nods and with a smile heads out of the door, saying over her shoulder, “I’ll see you Wednesday evening, and if you’re worried about anything before then, please call me.” The door closes behind her.
“So,” Garrett starts, “what I’m thinking is that we’ll go to the jewelers first where you’ll be sitting down the whole time we’re there. Then afterwards, providing you feel well, we’ll go to the nursery store and have a look. We can take it slow, and then we’ll sit in the coffee shop and eat a light lunch, and then we’ll go spend some money.” He smiles and every thought scatters from my mind.
“You’re so handsome.” I lay my palm against his cheek.