Page 30 of McKenzie Cousins Box Set 1
I hold her close and kiss her forehead. “I’ll give you anything you want . . . Last night when we spoke, I sensed you weren’t yourself. Was it the unknown future with me that had you down? Or is it something else?”
“I haven’t been able to order anything for the baby other than the clothes you brought home the other week. I wasn’t sure about where to put them, and I wanted to start getting a nursery ready, but didn’t know where I should do that. I just felt unsure of everything.”
“I’m sorry.” I pull the covers over us as I feel Sirena shiver in my arms. “I was waiting for the opportunity, and I’d decided that when I got back from New York that I’d show you where I thought was best for the nursery. I was hoping that it would open the talk about the future as well.”
“I’m glad everything is out and in the open, and from now on can we promise to talk to each other instead of wondering?”
“Yes.” I kiss her forehead. “Go to sleep Sirena. Tomorrow is going to be a beautiful day. First, I get to show you the room that we can decorate as a nursery. Then we’ll see our baby at the ultrasound followed with some shopping. We have a nursery to fill and I have a ring to buy.”
“This way please, Mrs. Bennett.” The nurse in the starched uniform indicates for us to follow her through to one of the examination rooms. After she gives Garrett a snotty look, she says directly to me, “Doctor Ferguson will be with you in a few minutes. In the meanwhile can you please make yourself comfortable on the bed.” She smiles and leaves us alone.
Garrett loudly exhales and laughs. “What did I ever do to her?”
“I have a feeling it has something to do with Harry never once putting in an appearance here. She probably thinks you’re him.” Placing my purse down on one of the chairs and removing my jacket, I move in to Garrett’s side. “I’m sorry.”
He wraps his arms around me and kissing the top of my head, lifts me to sit on the side of the examination table. “It’s okay, Sirena.”
“No it isn’t. I don’t want anyone mistaking you for Harry. You are so much better than he ever was.” I kiss his chest.
“Please don’t worry about it. I’ll introduce myself when she appears and all will be well.” He kisses the top of my head. “I want you to be stress free so that you and our baby stay healthy.”
/> Lifting my head, he goes blurry as my eyes fill with tears of happiness. “I love the way you say our. Just hearing that word from you makes my heart beat faster and my love for you grow.”
“I love you too.” He grins. “Now, are you sure that you don’t want to find out the sex of the baby?” He sits before me with one arm around my back and the other on my belly as I caress with my fingers through his hair.
“You are just as impatient as my brother, Josh. Every time he calls me, he asks, girl or boy.” I chuckle. “I’m so tempted to say one of each.”
“Um,” he nuzzles into my stomach, “one of each huh?”
“Not that I’m aware of,” the doctor comments walking into the room.
Doctor Ferguson is of Scottish descent and with her wild orange hair and pale skin I can see her on the cover of a highland romance novel. She’s in her early thirties and happy to be single, or so she says. She’s always cheerful anyway.
“And you are?” she abruptly asks Garrett.
My eyes snap to his and with a smile he holds his hand out to my doctor. “I’m Sirena’s fiancée, Garrett Hudson.”
Her jaw drops before she quickly recovers and a huge grins spreads across her face. “Well now, I don’t need to ask how you are doing,” she says to me while shaking Garrett’s hand. “Let’s get you settled for me, Sirena.”
With the doctor on one side and Garrett on the other, I’m in a reclining position on the bed and after a wink, the doctor settles in front of the monitor.
My eyes find Garrett who seems just as amused as I am at the doctor’s reaction to us. He shakes his head and taking my hand, grins as he turns his attention to the doctor, who is currently revealing my huge belly to the room. She pushes my leggings really low and tucks some paper between my skin and clothing.
My hand clutches Garrett’s and when his eyes meet mine, I ask, “Do you want to know what we’re having?”
His smile softens and as I watch him, his eyes fill with tears and he swallows a few times before he answers, “I’m happy with whatever you want to do.”
“That doesn’t help,” I admit.
I’ve been so torn as to whether or not I want to know, but in the end I think I’d like to discover the baby’s sex once I’ve pushed him or her out.
“You’ve lasted this long Sirena,” the doctor says. “If that helps you make a decision.”
In the next second the baby’s heartbeat fills the room and Garrett stills, his eyes fixed on the monitor. While the doctor explains to Garrett what he’s seeing, I’m enthralled at the look on his face. He looks completely mesmerized at the little baby.