Page 27 of McKenzie Cousins Box Set 1
She chuckles and hands me a napkin. “Sirena, honey. I know you and Garrett were so damn quick, but I’ve never seen you with anyone like you are with him. He’s so attentive to your needs and comfort. Please don’t push him away with your insecurities unless that really is what you want, because I’m telling you, he’s a good man who I think will always put you first.” She takes a sip of her Cosmopolitan. “Do you know that he was so close to cancelling the trip and sending his assistant instead because he didn’t want to leave you for even one night.” She smiles. “Let him love you, and eventually Mom and Dad will see how much he does. They’ll come around.”
Observing my sister now, I wonder why she’s being a, “Romantic sap.”
“Whose a romantic sap?” questions our brother Michael, as he pulls out a chair and slumps heavily into it.
“I’ve missed you,” I tell him when he moves closer and kisses my cheek.
/> “Missed you too, Sis.” He grins. “You’re looking well. That fresh country air with no stress and a new boyfriend obviously agrees with you.” He sits back and waves the waitress over.
Once he’s placed his order, I ask, “What exactly do you know?”
“Enough.” He smirks and then taking my hand, kisses my knuckles. “I’m happy for you, but I think I’m more excited for that little peanut to put in an appearance.”
“Ugh, me too. It’s awkward to sleep and she’s awake more at night than during the day. I’m really hoping that it isn’t a sign of things to come.”
Michael laughs. “You’ll love every minute of it, and besides, don’t they say to sleep when the baby does.”
Charlotte stares at our brother in surprise, which makes me laugh. “How do you know anything about baby things?” she asks, waving her hands around in the air. “Something you want to tell us?”
“Nope,” he grins and then laughs when Charlotte continues to grin at him. “Seriously, twin, there is nothing to tell.”
I chuckle at their teasing, and notice how Charlotte stays silent after Michael pulled the twin card. Watching though, I’m wondering if there is something unsaid going on between them because it’s unusual for Charlotte to stay so quiet.
Michael clears his throat and asks me, “ So, you’ve started calling the peanut a she now.” He raises a brow. “Something you want to tell me?”
“I don’t know for sure.” I smile. “Garrett says it’s going to be a girl.” I shrug embarrassed at the look on Michael’s face.
“Garrett, huh?” he smirks. “I knew when you both left the elevator that something had happened between the two of you.”
“Really?” Charlotte scoffs. “You’re a guy, so there is no way you spotted those signs.”
“It’s because I’m a guy that I spotted those signs.” He shakes his head. “Geez, Sis, give me some credit. I’m well aware of what a guy looks like when he wants to get into someone’s panties.”
“Eww,” Charlotte holds her hand out, “stop right there. I sure as hell don’t want to think about you, and . . . oh, God. I think I’m going to be sick.”
“Stop being so dramatic,” Michael laughs and turns to me. “Truth Sirena, is he treating you well?”
He takes my hand and I smile softly thinking about Garrett and how much I’m missing him. “He’s amazing and really cares about me and my baby.”
“There’s no but, really. I guess I’m just nervous because we haven’t really talked about when the baby is be born.”
“She’s unsure about how much involvement, if any, Garrett wants.” Charlotte leans on Michael’s arm. “Talk to him when he gets home. I’m betting that you’ll be surprised.” She smiles softly and gets to her feet. “Restroom,” she mumbles winding her way through the tables.
“Is she okay?”
Michael sighs. “She says she is, but I’m not sure. I know she’s worried about Josh now that he’s at the FBI academy. She hates that he’s going into law enforcement.” He sits back in the chair while the waitress places our food onto the table. “I don’t like it either, but it’s his life and he’s wanted to be an agent for as long as I can remember. Even as kids he’d have us handcuffed to the tree house.” He laughs. “Do you remember that?”
“Yeah, I do. I remember that time he’d forgotten he’d locked you up and you needed to pee.”
Michael winces and his cheeks flush. “Let’s not remember that.”
I chuckle. “Our brother is going to be okay. He’s being trained by the best.” I smile.
“I agree,” Michael says before digging into his food.
“I seriously need my guest bathroom doing like the restroom here,” Charlotte comments taking her seat. “It’s so cozy and reminds me of Italy.”