Page 26 of McKenzie Cousins Box Set 1
She giggles and pants. “I love watching you come.”
I groan, knocking her hand away. “Too much . . . I love pleasuring you.” I kiss her sweet lips. “Let’s get clean and then I’ll tuck you into bed and go and eat something before joining you.”
“I’ll come downstairs with you.” Her soft smile as she reaches for the washcloth and the container of shower gel is beautiful.
My answering smile is from the heart. “Let me wash your hair first and once we’re downstairs, I’ll bring in your shopping.”
She gasps. “With my parents turning up, I’d forgotten all about the baby clothes and things.” Her smile dims. “You were so late home because I had you collecting the packages.”
“No, honey.” I cup her worried face. “I knew I wouldn’t make it out before the store closed so I may have asked your sister to call and get them for me.”
“You did?”
“She was only too happy to collect them. I also might have sent her a few images of things that I thought you might like from the same store. So those are in the car also.”
Tears hover on her lashes that she angrily swipes away. “I hate how much I’m crying around you, but . . . but, you’re just so good to me that I don’t know how I ever managed before I met you.”
“That’s always been the plan.” I smirk and tapping her naked bottom, I grab the bottle of shampoo and start to work it through her hair, feeling happier than I ever remember.
“Okay, we’re leaving,” Charlotte states, and grabbing hold of my arm, she marches me out of the Baby ‘R’ Us that we’d been walking around and back into the heat of Lexington. “You had no interest in there, Sis. What’s going on with you?”
I let out a heavy sigh and turn to face my concerned sister who has taken the day off to help me shop so I can’t really blow her off like I want to. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I mean I was all eager to go shopping with you when you suggested it, although now I’m thinking it was more of getting out of the house than anything else . . . I’m sorry.”
Charlotte tips her head and watches me with narrowed eyes. “Is it the space between you and our parents? Because if it is, I’m telling you right now, that you’re wrong. Mom is really worried about you and yeah, I know Dad is being stubborn, but try and look at it from their point of view.”
I rub at my brow and the heat isn’t helping my temperament any. “Let’s go and sit in the shade somewhere with a nice cold non-alcoholic drink.”
“Spoil sport,” she mumbles, taking my arm once again.
We end up sitting outside, but in the shade, of a small Italian restaurant that is beautiful. It’s all painted in white with dark wooden tables and chairs. Flowers bloom up the outside wall and bursts of color are throughout the back patio area. The tables are set up so that you have a feel of seclusion and I’m guessing that when it’s lunch the place will be buzzing with activity.
I’m not going to be able to escape Charlotte’s questions. My sister does well at McKenzie Holdings and she’s a good support to our brother, Michael because of her no nonsense attitude. She’s a woman who feels so much but hides it behind a mask of indifference. She gets the job done but sometimes I think it costs her more than she’ll ever admit to anyone.
She watches me stir the ice and lemon in my glass of water from beneath her lids, which tells me she has lots of questions, but she’s being patient for which I’m grateful.
Part of my problem is that I’m missing Garrett who had to fly to New York yesterday afternoon and he doesn’t know if he’ll be back today or tomorrow. He hated to leave me and the long Facetime call last night reassured him that I was well. “I can’t believe that it’s only been three weeks since I moved in with Garrett," I say. “They’ve been the best weeks of my life so far, but I worry daily about what’s going to happen especially once my baby is born.” I shrug. “What I want most in the world is to refer to my baby as our baby whenever we’re talking about her. I wish that one of the rooms in his house was earmarked for a nursery.” I stare into my glass of water. “I’m afraid to voice what I want in case he doesn’t want the same because then I’ll be heartbroken.”
Charlotte has stayed silent while I lay all my emotions on the table for her, which is what I should be doing with Garrett.
“You’re in love with him,” she rightly observes.
“With all my heart,” I admit freely.
Sighing, Charlotte sits back in her chair and offers me a small smile. “I actually think that you’ve gotten it right this time around, and,” she looks sheepish, “I think if you talk to Garrett about what you want, you’ll discover that he wants you and the baby. He loves you, Sis.”
I open and close my mouth, my eyes narrowing on my sister who now, can’t meet my eyes. “How would you know what he thinks or wants?”
“You know that he has my number, right?”
I nod.
“He’s called me a few times asking about you and the baby. Like, what he should do to make sure you’re comfortable, and the last time we spoke, he was worried about you. He thought that you seemed a bit down and he wasn’t sure what to do.” She takes my hand. “You’ve been worried that he doesn’t want what you want, right?”
“He told me more or less at the start that he was already there with me, and he was waiting for me to catch up.” I wipe at my tears. “God, I so can’t wait to not be pregnant. I’m like a faucet.”