Page 24 of McKenzie Cousins Box Set 1
I quickly take in the scene of her parents standing close to her, especially her father as all color slides from her face.
My anger and need to protect her has me dropping everything at the door and quickly going to Sirena. Taking her in my arms, I wrap her up tight and try to catch my breath before I say something to her father that I can’t take back.
Her body trembles in my arms as she whispers, “I don’t feel too good.”
“Lie on the sofa.” I help her to spread out, and place her feet on a cushion before I sit beside her hip. I brush the hair from her face and reaching for her hand, keep it locked with mine.
Looking up at her father, I say, “If you want to be welcome in our home, I suggest you back off and give your daughter space.”
He doesn’t like my words, but the hand on his arm tugs him onto the sofa opposite. The elegant woman has tears hovering on her lashes that cause her husband to pause before he wraps an arm around her. He kisses her cheek and sighs, heavily.
“I’m not sure what was going on when I walked through the door, but you need to know that I won’t let anyone upset Sirena, no matter who you are to her, or to me. Sirena and her child come before anyone else’s feelings.”
Sirena squeezes my hand and turning to glance at her, I see color back in her cheeks. “I’m glad you’re home. I really missed you.”
And with those words, she’s completely taken the anger away.
Smiling, I bring her hand up to my lips and place a soft kiss to her knuckles. “I missed you too.” I grin. “My employees hate me right now after snapping at them for most of the day.”
She frowns.
“Every time I tried to leave to get back to you something else would prevent me from leaving. It pissed me off.” I shrug. “I’ll make it up to them tomorrow.”
She giggles. “They’re going to hate me.”
Shaking my head, I counter, “They’re going to love you, so don’t worry.” I place another kiss to her knuckles and turn back to her parents who I find have been watching us with interest.
“I’m Lily McKenzie and this is my husband, Michael. It was a surprise finding our very pregnant daughter at home here.”
“Surprise isn’t the word I’d use,” Michael hisses.
“Daddy, please don’t do this. Garrett is a wonderful man and the last thing I want or need is for you to scare him away.”
“No one will scare me away from you,” I reassure a struggling Sirena.
“I need to sit up. I can’t be down here while they’re arguing.”
“We’re not arguing, are we Michael?” Lily pointedly looks at her husband, silencing whatever was on the tip of his tongue.
Once Sirena is more comfortable, in my arms on the sofa, I hold her mother’s gaze. “Mrs. McKenzie, I’m Garrett Hudson,” I tip Sirena’s face up to mine, “and your daughter means the world to me and so does her child.” I kiss the tip of her nose and settle her close.
Her father doesn’t say much and glares at us for now while his wife has some silent communication with her daughter.
“Mom, Dad, although me living with Garrett is new, my attraction to him isn’t. We met over a month ago when we got stuck in the elevator together at the main office.” She places her hand over mine on her stomach. “I’m exactly where I want to be and with whom I want to be with. I can’t explain it, but I need to be with Garrett.”
“He’s nearly as old as your mother, Sirena,” Michael drawls causing a frown to appear on Lily’s brow.
“Your father is right, honey? Why don’t you come home with us and we’ll talk.”
Not happening.
My hands tighten around Sirena, and when she presses a kiss to my neck I know everything will be okay. “I’m not going anywhere unless Garrett is with me and I’m sorry if you don’t agree with that.”
Michael leans forward with his hands on his thighs, and asks, “Is this a case of you doing the opposite to what everyone wants?”
“Dad, seriously? I’m no longer a child, and for once in my life I’m making the right decision and one day you’ll see that.”
“We’re going to leave and you’ll call us when you want a ride,” he says, tugging his wife up by her arm.