Page 23 of McKenzie Cousins Box Set 1
“You’re overthinking something, even though I don’t mind seeing that smile on your lips.”
“Can I ask you something and will you be honest with me?” I chew my bottom lip, which Garrett pulls free with his finger.
“Ask me anything.”
“I want to go online and order baby things, but I’m, um, unsure as to where I should get them delivered.”
“That all depends on where you want to be after the baby is born.” He tangles his fingers in my hair. “You know that I want you here, but I don’t want you to feel pressured into staying.”
“This is so new to me. Harry never gave me the time of day really, unless he wanted something in exchange.” I offer him a wry smile. “The thing is, I never bothered. I was relieved when he wasn’t around, but with you, I count the minutes until you’re home.” I don’t think I’ve ever been so truthful with anyone about my relationship with Harry like I have been with Garrett.
“You’re not the only one counting the minutes, and as soon as your doctor gives you the okay, I’m taking you with me to see the new hotel.” He smiles. “I want you to be the first person I show around myself who isn’t the building inspector, my assistant, or anyone else who is involved with getting it perfect.”
“I’d really like that.” I give him a quick kiss to the lips before climbing to my feet. “Don’t you have a meeting to get to?”
Groaning, he stands, fastens his slacks and gives me a sexy crooked smirk. “This has to be the best morning I’ve had in forever.” He leans closer and when his lips capture mine, I move closer and wrap my arms around his neck, his hands resting on my hips. “If you’re planning on purchasing any clothing from a store in the city, then let me know and I can pick it up for you. So at least you’ll get your hands on something today,” Garrett offers and then starts laughing. “You like that idea, huh?”
“I sure do.” With one last kiss, I pat his tie down. “You better go before you’re late.”
He grins and smacks me on the bottom. “I’m already late, but who’s counting,” he whispers moving past me. “Call me about anything, okay?” He grabs his jacket and briefcase and then minutes later I hear his car disappearing down the drive. Minutes later I’m startled by an insistent ringing on my cell.
As I reach for it, tears come to my eyes when I see ‘mom’ on the screen. I briefly hold it against my chest and composing myself, answer, “Mom, hi.”
“Sirena, where are you? Michael and Charlotte say they don’t know, although I suspect they do. So what is going on?” Even though my mom sounds annoyed, she’s worried as well.
“It’s a long story and I was wondering if I messaged you my address, would you come out here so we can talk? Maybe later today?” I suggest, biting my lip while my hand strokes my baby bump.
“I don’t like you keeping things from me, honey. You’ve had a lot to deal with recently and your father and I are concerned. Not knowing where you are isn’t helping.”
I wipe at a tear and then another falls and then I’m unable to keep the tears from my voice. “I’m okay. I’m sorry for worrying you guys.”
“Oh, I didn’t mean to upset you. Let me come to you now.”
“Mom, I’m really okay. I guess it’s the pregnancy hormones making me emotional. It’s just good to hear your voice and I do have a lot to tell you, but I really am fine and so is your granddaughter.”
“What?” She pauses. “You asked? I t
hought you wanted a surprise.”
“I do, but I’ve been told very recently that I’m carry a girl.” I smile, remembering Garrett’s words from the night before.
“I’m getting impatient to hear what you have to say now,” Mom admits. “Text me the address Sirena, and we’ll be there later this evening, okay? I’m not letting another day go by before I’ve seen you for myself. Your father’s even worse than me.”
“I will and I love you both. See you soon.” I end the call before she can get it all out of me over the phone. Mom is real good at that. She gets you relaxed and then before the end of the call you’ve told her everything that you didn’t want her to know.
Sighing, I make myself another cup of decaffeinated coffee before locking the front door after yesterday’s unexpected visitors. Then I head upstairs to find my laptop. I have some shopping to do and I’ll be comfier on the bed. Maybe I’ll have a nap after the shopping.
Today hasn’t gone as expected, which means I couldn’t get away from the hotel until much later than I’d planned. My head might have been engaged, but my heart was certainly at my house.
I’m hungry and grouchy as hell to see Sirena. My temper had simmered over to my staff, which I finally realized when they’d started to avoid me at all costs as the day went on.
Climbing out of my car, I leave Sirena’s packages for now because the car parked in the driveway has my interest and I’m wondering whom it belongs to. I have no problem with Sirena inviting her family and friends over, which is something I should have made clear.
Dashing up the steps to the front door, I enter in time to hear, “What the hell, Sirena,” roared so loudly that I’m surprised the windows don’t shatter.