Page 25 of Savor (Bad Boy Rockers 4)
Her eyes narrow.
Chuckling, I continue, “Ryan doesn’t see a problem, and thinks, providing he can get her signature, that it shouldn’t take too long to have the divorce finalized. He isn’t going to be sending Brittany the papers until next week.” I pause, not sure if she’s going to like the next part. “The reason I specifically requested he wait is because—although I don’t want to—I feel like I should go and see her and tell her myself. I seriously don’t want to, but I can’t just let the papers show up out of the blue. I’m also not sure how well she’ll take it, and with how she is, I’m worried receiving them without any warning might set her back. There’s also the fact that Brittany and her family has had enough time to initiate the divorce themselves over the years, but they haven’t, which I’ve never thought about before. Now that I am thinking again, I’m not sure how they’re going to react. Ryan said no matter the reaction, there isn’t much they can do considering we’ve been separated for years. I’m still worried, though.”
I’m more than worried about Brittany, about my future, about how long Dahlia will wait. I don’t want Dahlia to know how much I’m worrying and it stings a little. Since admitting to my mistake, I haven’t lied to her about anything.
Brittany wasn’t too bad before we married, but after she had the stroke and I discovered her deception, I wanted to murder the bitch. Because of how she ended up, I’ve been holding the anger I have inside, instead of confronting her and letting her know just how pissed I am about the lies she told.
“I asked him about an annulment, but in the end, we decided because of the time gone that a divorce was probably going to be the quickest and least stressful to finalize.” I rub the cropped hair on my head and remind myself that I need a cut. I haven’t worn it long since before I joined the Marines. “I don’t know, but I’ll go along with whatever he recommends. I mean, he’s a lawyer, right?”
Dahlia unravels herself from where she’s curled up on the sofa and moves toward me. Standing in front of me, she spreads my legs apart and kneels between. Her eyes are full of heat as she slides her hands up my thighs to lean in toward me.
I sit forward and seal my lips with hers. My tongue pushes past her lips and chases her tongue around her mouth as one of my hands cups the back of her head, and the other caresses her neck—all to keep her close and attached to me.
All too soon, she breaks from the kiss, and I’m happy to see a soft smile on her beautiful face.
“You, more than anyone, know you have to live with the decisions you make. The last thing I’d want is for you to make a decision about your divorce or how it’s handled because of me. I’m angry on your behalf because of how she tricked you into marrying her in the first place—I’m damn right pissed.”
I grin, which she returns.
“It’s hardly been two days since it all kind of blew up in my face, but after last night and sleeping wrapped up in your arms, I’m starting to feel less like the other woman and more like your woman.” She smiles, and squeezes my thighs. “I’m not one-hundred percent there yet, but I just wanted you to know I’m getting there.”
My hand tightens in her hair. “Let me know when you’re one-hundred percent so I can take you to the stars.”
“You’ve already shown me the stars.” She climbs onto my lap, and wraps her arms around my neck, as my hands move to grip her hips.
Until I know the conversation is over, the last thing I want is for her to be wiggling around on my erection.
“Then I’ll show you the solar system.” I smirk.
“I’m up for that,” she sucks the breath out of me when she rubs against my dick with her hand, “just like you are.”
“That’s cruel.” I remove her hand and sigh in relief, although my dick aches for her touch again.
“You need to relax after the day you’ve had, and I want to be the one who gets you there.” She cups my face.
I turn into her palm, and closing my eyes, kiss the center.
“You’re everything to me, Dahlia.” I pull her against me and gently press her head down to rest on my chest. “My folks are going to love you. They’re both okay with what I’m finally doing.”
While I’m recapping the conversation with my folks to Dahlia, I’m gently caressing her lower back. I’m beginning to realize that there’s nothing more enjoyable than just holding the woman you love in your arms.
I love her and I find I’m eager to be done with my past to move forward with Dahlia by my side.
She hasn’t had the family life that I was brought up in, but, hope
fully, she’ll eventually grow comfortable enough to look at my family as hers because that’s what I want. I want her to realize she now has me to rely on and to be there for her.
Which brings me to my brother. Sighing, I admit, “My brother, Jace, is a former detective and now works as an Instructor over at the police academy. He occasionally does consultancy work for the Sherriff’s Department, and, well, he likes to flirt or did—no one used to be safe.” I frown, realizing I’ve no idea how he’s going to react anymore.
Dahlia sits back up. “I’m immune to anyone but you.” She leans forward and places a quick kiss to my nose. “I promise . . . if there’s anything else, can we talk about it tomorrow because I can feel how tense you are?”
I lose all train of thought when she yanks her tee shirt over her head, before making quick work of her bra. Letting it drop to the floor with her tee shirt, I’m mesmerized by the beautiful woman sitting astride me.
Her ample breasts are swollen with arousal, just like her cherry nipples. With the creamy breasts beckoning me to taste, I lean forward and swirl my tongue around each one in turn. My dick swells to full arousal with just her flavor bursting forth on my tongue.
Smiling around her nipple, I imagine the other flavor of her, which I’d rather have on my tongue.
“Are you all right if we move this to the bedroom?”