Page 24 of Savor (Bad Boy Rockers 4)
We’re going too far, pre-discussion.
/> “Ryder . . . I want you.”
Beautiful words.
“I think we both know how much I want you.”
One handed, I slip it under her shirt and tickle my fingers over her rib cage before cupping her lace-covered breast. She feels so good in my arms, as though she was made just for me.
With my thumb, I rub circles around her aroused nipple, and take great pleasure when she moans and drops her head back to my shoulder while covering my hand with hers.
“Can we get naked?”
I kiss her cheek and lightly pinch her nipple. “I’d love to . . . but we can’t yet. I don’t want to get down and dirty with you until I’ve told you about today. Afterwards though,” I move my other hand under her shirt and massage both her breasts, “I’m going to put my mouth between those sexy thighs. And I’m going to watch while you play with these.” I pinch her nipples. “And I’m not going to let you up for air for a long time—even if it kills me.”
“Oh . . . that’s not fair.”
She turns in my arms and smirking, grabs hold of my junk and squeezes.
Walking away from me, she lets her hips roll seductively. Looking back over her shoulder, she grins. “You coming?”
I’m so excited that answering ‘yes,’ wouldn’t be a lie.
Inhaling, I pull myself together and follow her to the living room before dropping my ass into a chair so I’m not tempted to lay her under me on the sofa.
Talk, talk, talk.
If I say it enough times, hopefully, my erection will behave.
“Was it as bad as you looked when you walked into Kix?” Dahlia starts, looking cute and cuddly with her legs curled under her.
I so want to join her.
“It wasn’t really. It’s just the stress of the day tiring me out. I’m good now that it’s over with and I’m back here with you.” And I mean every word.
Walking into Kix, all I’d wanted to do was wrap myself up in my woman and never let go. It really had taken it out of me—setting the long overdue divorce in motion—talking to my parents—and I’d wanted to be back with Dahlia. Just being with her makes everything all right—as though I can survive anything.
“Don’t say that when I need to stay over here while we talk. All that does is make me want to climb into your lap and curl up.” She smiles.
After a few minutes of debating whether or not I’m insane for passing her up on the offer—insane—I grip the arms of the chair and take a deep breath.
Today could have been a lot worse and for now, there isn’t anything to worry about. It’s just a matter of waiting for all the paperwork to be drawn up. But . . .
“Tell me, Ryder. I’m not going anywhere . . . for now.”
I’m not sure I like the for now part, but the sooner I tell her, the sooner we can head to bed, for a couple of hours at least.
I really need to stop my thoughts from wandering to my junk. Christ, I’ve managed close to six years without being so damn frustrated and now I can’t stop imagining her touching me.
Moving my ass in the chair, I try to discretely rearrange my squished erection, but hearing Dahlia’s laugh, I’m guessing I wasn’t as discrete as I hoped.
“I could help with that.” She smirks.
“No way. I need to get my brain off body parts and reengage it on conversation.” I shake my head and offer her a wicked grin.