Page 51 of Sultry (Bad Boy Rockers 3)
“This is for our girls.”
And then, just wow. They start singing My Heart Will Go On, and I don’t have the words to describe how amazing they sound. They don’t sing like this anymore—not for a long time, but they are amazing. They should do this more often.
My gaze flicks to Phoenix and Reece, but it’s Donovan who keeps his gaze on me while he sings. He is just beautiful. They all are. Standing there in their black slacks, white shirts, ties undone that are dangling down in front of their chests and their jackets. My heart pounds as they put everything they have into this song, which they’ve obviously been practicing. As the song nears the end, the urge to go to Donovan and slide my hands up his chest is becoming unbearable. Thalia and Callie are standing in front of their guys, wiping tears from their cheeks as their guys finish the most beautiful song I’ve ever heard them sing.
The brides are in their husband’s arms while Donovan slips off to the side clenching his fists. I see my mom move over to him and I’m not sure what she’s saying, but he looks towards me before turning back to her.
Mia notices my distraction and pulls me around to face her. “Stop. I can see the worry on your face.”
I’m trying to shake myself out of whatever I’ve fallen into, when I’m nudged from behind.
“They’re throwing their bouquets. In the foyer,” Robin shouts to us as she races out the marquee.
“C’mon, let’s go.”
“You’re already married,” I point out the obvious as Mia drags me up from the table.
“I can still have some fun at your expense. You have to catch one of them Mara, and I can’t wait to see Donovan’s face when you do.”
As Mia ushers me along with everyone into the foyer of Phoenix’s parents house, I ask, “You do realize I’m not the only unwed girl here?”
“Of course I do.” She grins.
What does she have planned?
I glance at her again and she’s still grinning. She’s up to something.
“Here, stand right there.” She maneuvers me into a spot. “Do not consider moving.”
“Do you know something, I don’t?”
I’m about to reply when I spot Donovan leaning against the wall with a sexy grin on his face.
“Oh my god, he has it just as bad as you do. Look at his grin.”
“I’m looking.”
“Then again you need to look ahead.”
Mia sounds so damn excited, you’d think she wasn’t married.
“Why are you trying to catch that shit?” Liam asks.
“I’m not. Mara is.”
He rolls his eyes at her excitement as she continues, “Make sure you reach for it Mara. Don’t disappoint me.”
I grin. “Yes ma’am.”
“Wait,” Callie shouts from the top of the stairs. “Mara, get up here a minute.”
“Go,” Mia gives me a shove to get me moving.
Conscience of all the wedding guests watching me walk upstairs, I really wish I’d taken my shoes off at the bottom because coming back down is going to be awkward.