Page 50 of Sultry (Bad Boy Rockers 3)
“Damn straight I did. Your turn soon, baby.” I cup her face and kiss her then have to force myself to let her go when all I want is to keep her by my side.
“We better head back before we’re missed…if we’re not already.”
“I have a feeling if we are that Liam will cover for us.”
“Liam?” she questions as I take her hand and start to lead her back to the marquee, not really bothered if anyone sees us.
“Yeah. I kind of gave my feelings away when you were out on the dance floor.” I offer her a wry smile.
“Hmm. I don’t mind if it makes you react like that again.”
Chuckling, I release her hand and sneak inside the marquee behind her.
Chapter Twenty-Three
Spotting my brother and Callie ahead of us, I squeeze Donovan’s hand to get his attention and indicate to him that I’ll see him later. It hurts to have to separate from him especially after what I’ve just done to him, and the further away I walk, the closer I feel to tears.
“Mara, come and talk to me.” Mia takes my arm and pulls me over to a quiet corner of the marquee, if you can call any area quiet with the music blasting our eardrums. In fact, if I’m not mistaken the guys are supposed to be getting on the make shift stage to serenade their wives soon¸ and I’m going to pretend that Donovan is serenading me.
“Why are you upset? I don’t remember you spending any time with Sarah.”
She makes me smile. “I’ve stayed well away from her today.” My smile slips. “It’s just that it hurts having to stay apart for now when I want to be close to him.” I swipe a tear from my face and look in the direction Donovan disappeared in and catch his gaze. He looks concerned when he notices the tears I’m unable to hide, but I shake my head and hope he stays where he is.
“Oh Mara, it will all work out. Reece and Callie are going away for two nights right? So while they’re gone you can be together and then as soon as they get back you need to tell them before someone else does.”
“I know. If I know my luck, Sarah will get to him beforehand anyway.” I shrug. “She is suffering from a major case of PMS.” I smile. “I’ll be fine. Please don’t worry about me. He has a very romantic night planned for my first time tonight, and I’m hoping I’ll be spending the next few nights with him as well.”
“Good for you…um…you know about things right?”
I’d just taken a gulp of the wine she shoved in to my hands, which I’m underage for, but what the hell when she asked me that. Do I shock her or embarrass her?
Leaning in to her, she leans in closer to me and waits. It’s killing me keeping a frown on my face. “I may still be a virgin, but we’ve seen each other naked before and we may or may not have fooled around.” I grin at the wide-eyed stare she throws my way. “Mia, you’re looking at me as though you never fooled around with Liam, which we both know isn’t true.”
“Wow. Sorry. You look young, sweet and innocent… So tell me, is he hot beneath his clothes?” She laughs.
“Just curious. Liam’s enough man for me and he has muscle and size in all the right places, if you know what I mean.” She winks.
“Donovan’s sexy and delicious and I can’t get enough of him. I’ve waited a long time for him to notice me, well maybe not notice as he admits to noticing me just fine, but for him to make his move. I guess it helped with me moving to the city to where they are, but I just feel that we’re counting down to the bomb going off, you know? Reece isn’t going to be happy at all.”
“Reece will have to be happy. Don’t let him ruin this for you. I know he’s your brother, but he doesn’t always know what’s best for you. Plus he has Callie now so she’ll be on your side.”
“I know. I’ll be glad when it’s all out in the open. I hate hiding.” Turning away, I cringe. I’ve been hiding for years with my blog, although this is different.
“It’s time,” Mia says and points to the dance floor.
Turning in my seat, I watch the guys take to the stage with Phoenix adjusting the microphone. Even though Phoenix tends to lead with the singing, they all have good strong voices. I’ll never forget the time Mrs. O’Leary’s husband died. He was ninety-two and had a soft spot for Reece, which was returned. So she’d asked if him, Donovan and Phoenix would sing Amazing Grace at his funeral. They had and there wasn’t a dry face in the church by the time they’d finished.
And now watching Reece and Donovan move thei
r microphones inline with Phoenix, I realize I should have been prepared and grabbed a couple of napkins. Whatever they are planning to sing, they don’t seem to be planning on using their instruments.
My hearts pounding already and they haven’t even started.
Phoenix taps the microphone to grab everyone’s attention. “I’m not going to bore you all with another speech. But I do need to say that although I’ve written a song especially for today that isn’t what we’re going to be singing tonight. Instead we are going to sing something that I could probably sing in my sleep because Thalia along with Callie have watched the movie that it goes with so many times we’ve lost count.”
Everyone starts laughing. I know what he’s talking about because I’ve watched it a few times with Callie back at the apartment and she sobs at the same place every time. Titanic.