Page 25 of Sizzle (Bad Boy Rockers 1)
Reece was my closest friend along with Donovan. We’d become thick as thieves in high school and no matter how much my folks tried to keep us apart, they never succeeded. Mia hated them. Having grown up in the same town, she knew what good friends we were. She’d told me that they wouldn’t be welcome in our home after we married. I think I’d shocked the life out of her because for the first time since we’d become engaged, I disagreed with her. Basically she got told that although they’d probably opt not to, they could visit anytime they wanted. To say she’d been pissed was an understatement. She hadn’t spoken to me for two weeks after that. Two weeks of heaven!
Reece spent about as much times as I did outside and at the gym. He loved nothing more than to go without his t-shirt or shirt so that the ladies got to see his toned abs. What they didn’t know was that he was a pussy. He’d gotten a new tattoo a couple of days ago and did nothing but complain via text message to myself and Donovan about
the pain. So, yeah, he was a pussy. I was surprised though when he said he’d slept alone. I thought he’d have left Kix last night with one of the women he’d been talking to when I left.
My car bumped along the road leading up to his cabin, which was hidden back from the road by hundreds of trees. I brought the car to a stop and spotted him sitting on the steps leading up to his cabin.
“Hey, more awake now?” I asked, climbing from the car.
He seemed happy if the grunt was anything to go by.
Although I didn’t have anything to grin about, I grinned and kept it in place as I walked passed him straight into his cabin where I poured myself a much needed coffee, then I went back outside, sitting on the opposite side of the steps to him.
Peace, something I rarely got when I was home. Over these past few years I’d hated coming home during vacation time, more so the past twelve months. I know that sounded selfish, considering I’d grown up in a large house, which sat on thousands of acres of land.
Yeah, I’d been offered every opportunity there was while growing up, but all I wanted was to have a life of my own with a woman who would love me for who I was. Not for who my family was, and who wouldn’t turn her nose up at my friends. I wanted a woman, who would look at me as though her world started and ended with me. Who would be my whole world, someone I could love just as much. Who wanted to grow old with me. Thalia popped into my head.
Reece paused mid-drink. “Something on your mind?”
“No.” I stood and started to pace in front of the porch. “Yes.” I continued to pace. “Liam’s home.”
“I know you two can be a bit hit and miss, but he doesn’t usually get you so worked up. What’s going on? And stop walking in circles; you’re making me dizzy.”
Staring at him, I came to a stop with my hands on my hips. “He brought his girlfriend home.”
He cocked an eyebrow. “And?”
I let out a whoosh of air. “I can’t get her out of my head. She’s there no matter what I’m doing. Hell, he only brought her home yesterday.” I ran my hands through my hair and tugged. “Today he took her out on the lake. She couldn’t swim and was nervous as hell, but she put on a life preserve, which I strapped up for her because my brother was more interested in retrieving his cell from the car.”
Collapsing onto the bottom step, I slouched forward and placed my head in my hands. “I watched them from the café and after a few minutes out there he started rocking the boat. I saw red and ran out of the café and waited on the dock. As soon as she was in reach, I leaned over and lifted her out, undid her preserve and threw it at the bastard.”
Dropping my hands, I flexed my fingers wanting to punch my brother. “But for Thalia running off upset and my need to comfort her, I would have hit him. Instead I ran after her and held her while she cried. She felt damn good against me. For the first time since I accepted that I was going to be with Mia and basically shut down, I want someone else and she’s my brother’s girlfriend. How fucked up is that?” I looked back at him sitting on the top step.
“So that’s why you were out last night? It’s not screwed up. Okay, the brother’s girl part could be a problem, but Donovan and me have told you to blow the engagement and get on with your life. You’re the one who’s stuck it out. You need a medal for dealing with Miss Snobby’s shit.”
I held his stare for a few minutes before changing the subject. “What you planning on doing today?”
“Nothing much, thought I’d grab some food in town, and then head over to Donovan’s to go fishing – you’re supposed to be coming with us.”
I’d forgotten. How had I managed to forget I was supposed to be hanging out with my best friends? They gave me the sanity that I needed. I’d go crazy without them.
Chapter 18
Sitting in the car with Liam while he drove us back to the house, I couldn’t stop thinking about Jack.
When the boat reached the dock, I’d turned and seen Jack standing there and all I’d wanted to do was throw myself into his arms. He’d looked furious. When I’d run off not wanting them to see me cry, I’d had no idea that Jack, not Liam, would come after me, but when I’d turned around and seen him standing there, the most natural thing in the world was to throw myself into his arms. He’d felt amazing against me, and yes, I’d felt his erection. Thick and long. He’d tried to hide it by pulling away, but he wasn’t quite quick enough.
Liam had been pissed when he’d found me there and had wanted to know what was going on with Jack stalking off. I’d told him he was still mad with him for being an ass.
I’d known Liam for a while and he’d never acted like an idiot before, and, but for the talk on the lake, I’d have said he was jealous of how Jack and I reacted to each other. I didn’t think that was it though.
“Thalia, I’m sorry, okay? I really am. I acted like a jerk out on the lake. I was curious.”
I brought my gaze from looking out of the window to Liam. “Curious?”