Page 24 of Sizzle (Bad Boy Rockers 1)
“Liam…why? I mean you’re a hot guy, I don’t understand why you’d want me to pretend to be dating you when you could have anyone.”
He looked to be sulking. “I can’t have anyone.”
This whole conversation was weird. “Okay, but don’t get fresh with me.”
He roared with laughter, which made the boat rock. I clung to the side as though my life depended on it. “Liam, please stop,” I whispered, feeling sick to my stomach. The boat carried on rocking.
“Thalia, stop being a wimp. You have a life preserve on for one, but the boat is not going to tip with a slight rocking.” He carried on laughing at me.
We weren’t too far out from the shore, but too far out for me to get out and walk. I looked around frantically and caught Jack, running down the steps of the café.
“Oh, look, lover boy coming to the rescue.” He sneered.
“What the hell is wrong with you? One minute you’re asking me to be your ‘pretend’ girlfriend, and the next you’re acting like a first class jerk. At least someone’s bothered as to whether I end up in the water or not.” If I hadn’t been so scared of falling in, I’d walk up to his end and hit him over the head with one of the oars.
As we got closer to the dock, I chanced a look behind me to see Jack standing, waiting for us with his hands on his hips, looking furious. As the boat nudged the side, Jack leaned in wrapping an arm around me and lifting me from the boat.
He didn’t speak, just quickly unstrapped me from the life preserve, and then threw it at his brother. I didn’t stay to hear what was said. I was too shaky and needed a minute on my own. The last thing I wanted was to show them both my tears. I ran behind the boating shed, resting my forehead against the wall and finally gave in to them.
Not long afterwards I felt a hand on my shoulder.
“Thalia, are you all right?” Jack asked.
Without thinking, I turned and wrapped my arms around his neck. He paused briefly then wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me in tight against him. I knew straightaway that it was a bad idea, but I couldn’t stop. I’d been terrified and wanted to be held.
He felt good against me, letting me cry while he stroked his hand down my back in a soothing motion. As my tears started to dry up, I started to notice other things. Like how Jack’s hand on my back shook, or how fast his heart was beating against my chest. My body started to feel hot and tight. My nipples pebbled.
Pulling back slightly, I met his gaze. He put his forehead against mine while he held my gaze. “Nothing can come of this...between us, but damn it, you feel good. All I want is...”
“What Jack? What is it you want?”
For a minute I thought he was going to answer me, but he took a deep breath and, pulling completely away, walked off in the opposite direction. It was at that instant that I heard Liam come up behind me, mumbling.
Chapter 17
I needed to leave, and I needed to leave fast. Thalia had felt amazing in my arms and it had been the first time in a long time that I’d been held. She’d held on to me so damn tight, I hadn’t been sure I’d have the strength to let her go. I’d felt her pebbled nipples against me, which had me hard as hell.
When I’d looked into her eyes, I’d nearly told her that all I wanted was her arms wrapped around me. Then I’d heard Liam approach so left her alone to face him. I sure as hell hadn’t wanted him to see my reaction to her.
He’d been a bastard to her out on the lake. When I’d questioned him about it, he’d told me to go back to my fiancée and to leave ‘his’ girl alone. The only thing that had stopped me from connecting my fist with his face was the fact Thalia had gone off crying and I’d had a deep need to comfort her. I’d turned and left him to deal with the boat himself, while I ran after his girl. Although she probably wouldn’t be for much longer at the rate he was going. If she reacted like that with me, she couldn’t be all that into him.
Unfortunately, whatever that was, couldn’t happen again. I was getting married. I had to get married, or I’d have to leave college. I’d worked damn hard these past few years, I sure as hell wasn’t prepared to throw it all away, even if it did mean marrying someone I didn’t like all that much. There was divorce once I’d gotten my degree; at least that’s what I’d planned. All I wanted to do was pack a bag, leave and never look back. No one would miss me. In fact it would probably be weeks before anyone would know I’d left. Thalia. She’d know; I’d bet my left nut she’d know within hours of my departure.
Fuck. I took a deep breath and climbed into my car, not having a clue in which direction to head; I turned the car south, away from town. Mia was there, so no go. Home would end with a run-in with my mom.
With a bit of maneuvering, I managed to yank my cell out from my back pocket and pressed speed dial four – Reece.
“You home?”
“Yeah, some fucker woke me up.”
Grinning at his choice of words, I just hoped he didn’t have a sleepover there. “You up for company?”
“That’s fine.” He laughed. “Slept alone last night.”
I hung up the cell after telling him I’d be there in twenty.