Page 18 of Sizzle (Bad Boy Rockers 1)
“Sounded good.”
“You’re a bastard, and you owe me.”
Walking back to the bar, I was stopped once or twice by someone asking if we were playing later. Seeing the disappointment on their face when I replied in the negative made me smile. Our music was good.
At the bar, I grabbed another longneck Suzie passed me, knocked it back in one only to have Reece wrap his arm around my neck with a huge grin on his face.
“Oh man. Going to be sorry to see her go. She had the biggest fucking tits I’ve had the pleasure to suck in a while.”
I did the only thing I could do; I ignored him.
For my own peace of mind, I’d needed to leave the house this evening, only to arrive at Kix and witness my two best friends fucking the same woman. I should have known, but needing the escape I hadn’t thought that far ahead.
“Where’s Donovan?” He was usually the first to appear afterwards.
“Giving the woman a ride back.”
I raised an eyebrow in question.
“She was about to leave with her friend when we arrived so Donovan offered her a ride back.”
He roared with laughter. “I told her he’d give her a ride back. Don’t have my wheels tonight. Why are you here?”
“Needed some space.” I was keeping Thalia to myself tonight. There would be plenty of time to mention her, and for them to meet her. Tonight she could be in my thoughts without Reece adding his cent’s worth.
“Well, as you’re being talkative, I’m going to go and find myself some company for tonight. This new tats hurting like a motherfucker.”
I watched him walk towards a group of three women, who I hadn’t seen before.
Chapter 13
With a large coffee poured, I was sitting outside on the back porch enjoying the stillness of the morning. The best times of day for me were in the morning before everyone was up, and the evening after everyone had gone to bed. There was no one to harass me, or to remind me of what was expected, and I had total peace.
I’d been awake since five, unable to sleep because of Thalia. She was sleeping in the room next to mine and all I’d wanted to do was climb into bed with her. Not for sex, but to hold her, to feel her arms wrapped around me. It’d been a hell of a long time since I’d had a woman in my arms, for anything. Coming home last night had been difficult, and my shoes had felt full of lead as I’d walked to my room.
I mused at the night before. All through the dinner I’d watched her and tried not to make it obvious. I’d been pissed with my reaction to her, which had caused me to use the term ‘little girl’. Somehow I’d known it would piss her off, but instead, she’d smiled and replied in a sexy voice; my dick had hardened to steel at the tone. Thank God my t-shirt had covered the evidence. Before I ended up embarrassing myself I’d made a quick escape back to my room.
Nobody had ever affected me the way she did. What the hell had possessed me to go into her room to wait for her, to apologize for being a dick at dinner? We’d been standing so close when I’d reached out and caressed her face. Thalia’s reaction had told me she was just as affected. I hadn’t wanted to leave, but it was either that or drag her into the shower with me. A shower, which I’d ended up taking when I climbed out of bed this morning in an effort to relieve my throbbing cock.
I sighed. My peace was broken, someone was in the kitchen cluttering around, and then the porch door opened.
My coffee half way to my mouth, I looked up and froze. Thalia, she was beautiful.
“You coming out?” I asked, seeing her hesitate. She looked like a deer caught in headlights.
“If I’m not in the way.”
Shaking my head, I offered her the seat across from me. There was no way I wanted her sitting beside me, but as she sat down, I got a look at her deliciously long legs. She had her pale pink robe on, which came down to her toes. Her dark hair was haphazardly piled on top of her head with bits flying around her face and neck. I gripped the cup of coffee tighter as she looked at me.
She took her time looking at me, but for the blush slowly creeping up her cheeks, I would have said she was in a trance.
“It’s beautiful here. I could sit here all day and never move.”
I chuckled at her enthusiasm. “Oh, you’d move alright. I’d give you maybe ten minutes from when good old mom joined you before you’d think up excuses to leave.”