Page 17 of Sizzle (Bad Boy Rockers 1)
A lightening heat spread through my body and I thought my knees would buckle.
“Thalia,” he whispered holding my stare then he turned, and walked back into his room. I heard the lock engage.
What the hell had just happened?
For some reason I just wanted to wrap him up in my arms and never let go. That was so bad.
Chapter 12
I’d needed to leave the house for a while after being so close to Thalia, and that was how I found myself standing outside Kix, undecided as to whether I wanted to enter or not.
While I contemplated what I was going to do, I stood there glaring at the sign Ryder had put up on the building the other day. It said Kix, in a camouflage design. It looked pretty good and I wouldn’t have minded hearing the full story behind the name. Ryder had mentioned it was named after a friend of his who didn’t make it back to the states, but that was as much as he said.
“You planning on admiring the sign all night?” Ryder asked, standing about four feet away.
“Just might.” I grinned, following him around the back.
“Your ‘boys’ are making use of the storeroom again. I should slap a si
gn on the door, ‘Fuck Room’.”
Roaring with laughter, I made a mental note to stay away from there. With how wound up I was, thanks to Thalia, I didn’t trust myself not to use a more ‘hands on’ approach if I joined them.
“Do you know who they’re with?” I couldn’t resist asking.
“Same one as the other night.”
That brought me up short. They never did the same girl twice, just in case she got ideas into her head.
“She’s only visiting, and flies home tomorrow,” Ryder answered. “Your face gave you away.” He laughed, handing me a longneck.
Taking a long draw, I leaned against the bar, looking around the place.
Before Ryder had taken it over it had been a real dump, now the floors shined after being stripped and re-varnished and the walls had been painted. Pictures of baseball players and rockers had gone up on the walls. He’d burned the old tables, replacing them with circular, four-person ones as well as new chairs. The small stage had been rebuilt and just fit our gear on nicely. The guys liked being close to the ‘fans’. According to Reece, it made it easier for them to pick up company. I’d shaken my head as I’d walked off, but I’d missed the trysts we’d participated in; we’d had some fucking hot women.
The other night had felt odd. Oh yeah, I’d gotten my rocks off watching, which had happened a few times, but it had left me feeling slightly embarrassed. Standing in back watching your two best friends with their jeans around their thighs, flashing their naked butt’s and hard dicks wasn’t something that made me comfortable. Yeah, the three of us had done the same woman at the same time before, but that had been different.
“Hey, I need to get in the storeroom. Go tell them to get the fuck out,” Ryder asked.
“Fuck…Your storeroom. You go.”
“Not a chance in hell. I’ve kept it zipped a hell of a long time. I do not want the image of what they’re up to in my head.”
I really did not want to go in that room.
With heavy feet, I walked slowly towards the room in question. Running my fingers through my hair, I glanced back and spotted Ryder standing behind the bar grinning in my direction. The bastard.
I banged on the door. “Guy’s? Ryder wants in the room. Hurry it up.”
Hell. All I could hear was grunting and moans. I did not want to go in that room. No, I did not. Shit. I tried the door, which, surprisingly was unlocked, and pushed it open, slipping inside.
Instant boner. Donovan was sitting on the desk, legs spread with the woman wrapped around him, his hands on her hips while she bounced up and down on his cock. Reece stood between his legs with his cock in her ass and his hands on her tits, kissing her neck. Twelve months ago, she’d have been in a slightly different position with my cock in her mouth as well. Fuck, fuck, fuck!
Simone came apart with them both groaning and following her over.
“Ryder needs the room. Fuckin’ hell!” With that being said, I walked out of the room, slammed the door and came face to face with Ryder. He was leaning against the wall opposite laughing.