Page 9 of Wanting You Close (Archer & Everleigh 2)
Gemma: Omg! I knew it! I’m so happy for you two. Y’all are literally perfect together
Katie: Finally! I knew you’d get your happily ever after!
Archer brings in Sassy, then fills her food dish. He speaks to her sweetly, bending down to pet her head as she starts eating.
Everleigh: I’ve never felt this way about anyone before, and I hate that I have to keep it on the down low, which means NO TELLING TYLER!
Gemma: That’s not fair! What if I slip up?
Everleigh: Please, Gemma. Please promise you won’t. It would cause more problems, and I’m dealing with enough right now.
Gemma: I can’t lie if he asks. That would be wrong.
Everleigh: Listen, I pinky promise to tell him as soon as the time is right. He’s a worried mess.
Katie: Don’t take too long to tell him, Ev. Gemma’s a blabbermouth.
Gemma: Hey! He’s my husband. I can’t lie!
Katie: HA! Guess that means we need to start planning another wedding?
Gemma: Might as well stop taking your birth control…for Scarlett’s sake. She deserves all the cousins!
Katie: LMAO!
Everleigh: Alright, you two have clearly lost it now. BYE.
“What’s so funny?” Archer asks as he takes a seat next to me.
I shake my head. “My friends are ridiculous, that’s all.”
“You’re lucky to have them. I wished for close friendships when I was younger. Living here, being with you, and working at a place that doesn’t make me miserable…it’s like a dream come true.”
“That makes me so happy. And I’m glad you’re here too. I know things have been rough, but it’s gonna get better. I don’t want you to worry about me.”
“I can’t help that. I can’t lose you, babe. It would destroy me.”
I press a soft kiss to his lips. “I can’t lose you either.”
The next morning, I roll over and see a dozen roses on the nightstand.
I sit up and find a note.
Happy Valentine’s, baby. I love you so much and can’t wait to spoil you all weekend.
A smile plays on my lips, and I realize it’s the first Valentine's Day when I’ve been with someone. I’ve never gotten roses from anyone other than my grandparents.
When I enter the kitchen, Archer’s piling bacon next to avocado toast and a poached egg.
“Are you serious right now?” I chuckle. “Flowers and my favorite breakfast?”
“Oh and this…” he says, then quickly sets our food and coffee on the table. He rushes to his room, then returns with a box in cupid wrapping paper.
“Now I feel like a jerk,” I say because I didn’t get him anything.
“Sweetheart, you’ve been busy resting. Having you sit on my cock when you’re better will be the best Valentine's Day gift you could ever give me.”
I chuckle. “Consider it an IOUP then.”
He gives me a pointed look. “I don’t know what that means.”
“I Owe You Pussy.” I shrug, and he snorts. I rip open the paper and pull out black lace lingerie that’s more for decoration than support. “This is gorgeous.”
He smirks as I hold it up to my body. “And I can’t wait to peel it off with my teeth.”
“Mmm. It’s a date. As soon as the doctor releases me for strenuous activities—which better be sooner rather than later.” Because I’m ready to sit on his lap right now.
“Don’t worry, time will fly,” he tells me.
I kiss him and thank him for the gift, flowers, and breakfast. He really is too sweet.
We sit at the table and dig into our food. It tastes amazing, and I nearly inhale it down. Once we’re done, Archer cleans up.
“What are your plans today?” he asks while rinsing the dishes.
“Oh ya know, sitting on the couch, scrolling through Netflix, and throwing snacks at Sassy,” I say with flat amusement. He turns to give me a look, and I chuckle. “Fine. Besides that, I have some orders to place and want to research the spring trends, so I’ll scroll through Instagram and other sites. You could help me pick out some guy’s clothing that you like if you wanna help?”
He chuckles. “Sure, sounds like fun.”
Since I can’t be at the boutique, I do what I can from home. I’m trying to be proactive and am staying positive. One good thing that’s come out of this is having time to plan out my launches for the next six months. Though I still get fatigued quickly, I can be on my laptop for a few hours before I have to take a break.
Most of my day is spent on the couch staring at my computer screen, and I have to force myself to get up and walk around. Being in one place for too long isn’t helpful and makes me sore. Archer brings me my meds when the pain becomes unbearable and takes Sassy out when she goes to the back door.
Once the sun sets, Archer goes to the kitchen.