Page 10 of Wanting You Close (Archer & Everleigh 2)
“Whatcha makin’?” I peek my head up and meet his eyes.
“It’s a surprise,” he tells me. “Need anything right now?”
“I’d love to down a bottle of wine, but you know…” I point at my stomach. Since I’m on pain meds, that means no alcohol.
He chuckles. “Not too much longer.”
“I hope you’re right,” I say, then busy myself on my laptop again.
An hour passes and the house smells amazing. Archer has been working hard on whatever he’s preparing, and I can’t wait to taste it. When I hear him setting the table, I take it as my cue to stand but can’t pop up as easily as I’m used to.
Once I’m in the kitchen, my eyes widen at the view. Two plates are filled with spaghetti and meatballs and garlic bread.
“Archer,” I gasp. “You’ve completely outdone yourself.”
He pulls out my chair and lowers the overhead lights. “I promised to make it for you one day. Today seemed like the perfect time.”
I swallow hard, remembering when he mentioned it all those months ago. We’ve come so damn far since then. “This is so sweet, thank you.”
“Anything for you, baby,” he says, sitting across from me.
As soon as I taste the meatballs and garlic tomato sauce, I moan.
Archer lifts his brow. “That’s music to my ears.”
“This”—I point down at the plate—“is orgasmic.”
He grins. “I’m glad. I was scared it wouldn’t taste the same, but it does. Brings back a lot of good memories.” His gaze meets mine. “And making it for you gives me new ones.”
I smile and bite the corner of my lip. “Makes me feel really special.”
“You are, babe. You are.”
Chapter Four
After taking care of Everleigh for a week, she demanded that I go back to work. I didn’t want to leave her side, but she made some valid points that I could no longer argue. She hated being a burden even though I told her several times she wasn’t. Since she’s not driving or leaving the house yet and five security cameras keep watch outside, I agreed to go back for a few hours a day. Then I made her promise she wouldn’t answer the door and to call me if anything happened or if she needed me.
The first morning I go back to work, we eat breakfast together, then I kiss her goodbye.
As soon as I walk to the gym, I go straight to the boxing area. Though I haven’t been gone that long, I already feel rusty.
“Good morning!” Tyler sing-songs as he walks up to the ring.
“Morning,” I say, checking to make sure everything is ready for my first client.
“How’s Everleigh doin’?”
“She’s doing great. The doctor said she was happy to see her healing and to keep resting for now. She’s just going a little stir-crazy.”
He chuckles. “A little? I can’t remember the last time she’s taken a proper break. I gotta say her work ethic has always been amazing.”
“Must run in the family.”
He smirks. “She gets it from me.”
I chuckle. “But really, she’s doing well. I’m taking care of her. Making sure she’s eating and not pushing herself too hard.”
“Thanks, man. If you ever need someone to keep watch or really help with anything, I have a few close friends on the West Coast who will drop it all to be here.”
“I’ll remember that. I’ve kept a close watch on the house, and it seems things have been quiet since the accident. Really quiet.”
“I don’t know if that’s a good or bad thing.” He lets out a ragged breath. “After the shit that happened to me, then Noah, and now Everleigh, I don’t think we can be too careful. It’s all kinda fucked me up a bit because I feel like as soon as things start lookin’ up, something happens to someone I care about.”
“Well, either way, I’ll do my best to watch over her when I can.”
“Let me put this number in your phone. If you think you need help with anything, and I mean anything, call it. I’ve already let them know.”
I hand over my cell, and he adds it in.
“Thanks, Tyler. I’ll remember that.”
Tyler grins just as Andrew enters with his gloves tossed over his shoulder.
“Damn, I’m glad to see you,” he says, patting me on the back.
“Wow, thanks,” Tyler deadpans.
I chuckle as Andrew shrugs. Tyler waves goodbye and walks out.
“Ready to get to work?” I ask.
“Hell yeah.” Andrew slips on his gloves and steps into the ring. We go over stance and different blocking techniques.
The rest of the hour flies by. Between my lessons, I text Everleigh and check on her.
No news doesn’t necessarily mean good news when it comes to stalkers. Whoever tried to hurt Everleigh could be planning their next attack. Add Krystal into the mix of what’s already going on, and it’s enough to push my worry over the edge.
During my lunch break, I call Annie.