Page 13 of Wanting You Close (Archer & Everleigh 2)
“Yeah, he was. I just hate being fussed over, ya know?”
“That’s because you’re independent to a fault.” She shrugs, then heads to the back. “I’ll get these racks unloaded.”
“Don’t baby me.” I scowl. “I can hang stuff!”
Lexie chuckles, rolling the rack of clothes to the front of the store. “Yes, boss, I know.”
Heidi comes in a few hours later, and I take my lunch break, though I’m not super hungry. My appetite hasn’t quite returned since the accident.
Archer: How’s your first day back?
I read Archer’s text as soon as I sit at my small desk.
Everleigh: Lexie’s treating me like a baby, so don’t worry about me doing too much.
Archer: Good, then she’s earning her raise.
Everleigh: Did you tell her to keep an eye on me?
Archer: I told everyone who would listen to make sure you’re not overdoing it.
I roll my eyes and sigh, though I appreciate where his heart is.
Everleigh: Babe, I love you, but you’re worrying too much. The doc cleared me. My wound is basically healed. I’m fine. I mean, I’d be better if my boyfriend would finally rail me…
Archer: Don’t think I haven’t wanted to, but I don’t want to hurt you.
Everleigh: PLEASE…HURT ME!
I add a few eggplant and water drop emojis, to which he responds with an eye roll and tongue-sticking out emoji.
Once my break ends, I continue checking out customers because it’s the least taxing. Everyone has heard about the incident, so I’ve been asked about it at least a dozen times. By the end of my shift, I’m more mentally exhausted than physically.
“Alright, I’m out before I hear ‘oh honey’ one more time after I explain where I’ve been,” I tell Heidi, who chuckles and gives me a side hug.
“Oh honey, you poor thing. I just hate that someone’s out there stabbin’ people for no good reason,” she mocks in a thick Southern accent.
I burst out laughing, grateful it no longer hurts to do so. “Yep, you nailed it.”
As I drive home, I spot a very sexy man on the sidewalk and slow down.
“Hey good lookin’, you want a ride?” I shout out the window. “Or perhaps I can ride you.”
“Well aren’t you full of Southern charm,” he drawls. “Let me see that sweet rack first.”
Archer waggles his brows as he walks over to the car.
“Don’t you tease me. I’ll strip right here,” I tell him.
“I know you’re bluffing, but damn that’d be a sight to see.” He gets inside the car, and I drive us home.
After we pull into the driveway and walk inside, Archer takes a shower. I dig around in the fridge to see what I can make. Though I wasn’t hungry at lunch, I’m starving now and am craving pasta.
“Whatcha making?” Archer enters with a towel wrapped around his waist. My eyes linger on his nipple piercing and tattoos because staring at him never gets old.
“I think I want chicken fettuccini Alfredo, but now I’m reconsidering starting with you.” My gaze drops to his cock.
Archer slowly steps backward when I try to get closer. “I better get dressed and stop the temptation then.”
“Ugh, damn. You’re such a tease!” I pout, trying to yank the towel off him, but he secures it to his waist. “C’mon, four weeks is long enough!”
“We waited over two months the first time. I think you can wait a few more days.”
My face drops. “I’m about to go get BUB and let him do the job for you.”
Archer chuckles, making his way down the hallway. “As long as I can watch.”
I’ve been back at the shop for five days, and I finally feel like life is returning to normal. Archer’s still taunting me with his six-pack abs and kissable lips, but thinks I’m too fragile to be thrown around a bed. By the end of the weekend, my goal is to prove him wrong.
Today, the girls and I are going shopping in Mobile for bridesmaid dresses. Though Katie’s wedding is in a few months, my whole needing to recover has set us back by a few weeks.
“Are you seriously walkin’ around with that thing?” Katie asks, eyeing my self-defense keychain.
“Damn right. Ready to tase, pepper spray, or poke a bitch if they come within five feet.”
Gemma snorts as we walk toward the store. “What’s on it?”
“Well…” I hold it up for her to see. “Tyler got it for me, and at first, I was reluctant, but then I figured why not. Now it’s a habit to carry it. The key knife is pretty badass, and the alarm is really loud. Plus, it gives Archer peace of mind.”
“Don’t show that to Noah. He’ll make me get one just for the sake of it,” Katie says as I open the door.
Before I can respond, we’re greeted by a saleswoman eager to make her commission. Since this is a no kids day, we drink champagne as we shop for dresses and shoes. It’s given me the opportunity to reconnect with my best friends away from Lawton Ridge.