Page 12 of Wanting You Close (Archer & Everleigh 2)
Unknown: You can keep blocking me, but I’ll always find you, Archer. Next time, I’ll make sure I kill that fucking mutt too.
I stare at the screen in disbelief that Krystal would put a threat like this in writing. What kind of psychopath could hurt an innocent dog and be proud of it? She’s getting braver, which is worrisome. Immediately, I block the number and lock my phone.
After a few deep breaths and trying to gain control of my anger, I step into the shower and hope the hot water washes away my rage. I’m not a naturally violent person, but when it comes to Everleigh, I’ll do whatever it takes to keep her safe. Sassy too.
By the time I’m clean, I’m calmer but still feel uneasy. I go to my bedroom and find Everleigh tucked under the covers. She tilts her head and looks at me.
“Somethin’ wrong?”
“Nah. Just have some things on my mind.”
She smiles. “Come snuggle with me.”
“Don’t have to tell me twice.”
Once I’m under the sheets, Everleigh scoots closer until her ass presses against me. I hold her to my chest.
The next morning, I kiss Everleigh goodbye before I leave to meet my parole officer. I’ve seen him a few times already, but this time I’m more anxious than usual.
When I enter, Calvin is sitting behind his desk. I have to piss in a cup to make sure I’m not breaking any of my probation rules. I happily do it because I’m clean and always have been. It’s protocol, but I understand why it’s in place.
Once I’m done, I sit across from him.
“So, fill me in with what's going on.”
I suck in a deep breath, not sure where to start, but knowing I have to tell him the truth. “There’s been a lot.”
“Go ahead,” he encourages.
“My girlfriend was stabbed and had to have emergency surgery.”
The man deserves an Emmy because he doesn’t react. “Is she okay?”
“Yes, she is. She’ll fully recover, just taking it easy now.”
“That’s good news. Do you know who did it?”
“I don’t. That’s why I’m worried. Not to mention I’ve been receiving threatening text messages from Krystal, Chad’s sister.”
“Archer, you need to file a report. They can’t charge her without proper evidence, so it needs to be documented now. That way, if her threats become actions, a file has already been started.”
I listen to his every word, remembering how I stressed the same things to Annie when she was with Chad. The realization that the situations are familiar nearly knocks the breath out of me.
“You’re right. I’ll go to the station after I leave here.”
“Archer, if you need me for anything, please don’t hesitate to reach out. I just don’t want you to get caught up in something that’s not your fault. Understand what I mean?”
I nod. “Absolutely.”
“Anything else you want to discuss?”
“That’s about it. I love being in Alabama. It was the change of pace I needed.”
“I’m happy to hear that.” He looks down at his calendar. “We should meet in sixty days unless a reason pops up that we need to meet sooner. Go to the police after you leave here and show them the text messages. Then send me an update.”
“I will. Thank you,” I tell him, standing. I shake his hand, then leave.
When I’m in the car, I scroll through all the messages I’ve gotten over the last month. I slam my fist against the steering wheel, the realization setting in that Krystal isn’t going to leave me alone—but I’m not going to let her get away with it any longer.
Chapter Five
For the past couple of weeks, I’ve had a lot of ups and downs. I don’t like lounging around for too long and am often bored.
Though I enjoyed having Archer take care of me and being around, I felt bad I was keeping him from work. Between him and Tyler constantly worrying about me, I was more than ready to get back to work.
I can’t lift anything over fifteen pounds for another month per doctor’s orders. I’ve been doing physical therapy exercises at home to prepare me for today—my first shift back at work.
“Ev, you look so good,” Lexie says when she walks through the front door. “You’re here early.”
“I couldn’t get out of my house fast enough,” I tell her as she gives me a gentle hug. “I can only watch Netflix for so long before I go stir-crazy.”
“I figured you would’ve loved being locked in with Mr. Hunky Roommate,” she taunts, grabbing the clipboard and looking at today’s task list.
“Oh I did, but it’s more of a tease than anything since he’d walk around shirtless and wouldn’t let me touch him below the waist. He took his job of making sure I rested a bit too seriously, if you know what I mean.”
“Aw…I bet he was happy to take care of you, though. Archer seems like good company.”