Page 11 of Filthy Twin Fighters (Forbidden Fantasies 36)
I jerk back with surprise.
“What? No, that’s not what happened at all. I wanted to, Di. It was lots of fun and it felt really good.”
But my bestie’s not so sure.
“I don’t know Paisley because it sure sounds like it. The Creightons made you have sex with them to stop them from calling the police on you. They were threatening and intimidating you.”
I consider this for a moment. I suppose if you look at the situation in a certain light, then you could interpret things that way. But it wasn’t like that at all because I willingly consented and don’t regret being with Talon and Torment one bit.
“No, no,” I laugh. “It wasn’t like that at all. It was fun! And I really liked it, Di. Besides, they weren’t really blackmailing me. Sure, they hinted at it, but nothing came of it.”
Di merely frowns again, furrows appearing between her brows.
“Pais, you know I’m a paralegal, so I can’t say I know the law that well. But still, it sounds like blackmail to me. Or at least some sort of coercion. Are you sure you wanted it?”
I blow out a breath with exasperation.
“Yes, I definitely wanted to be with the Creightons, and if anything, they could say that I’m blackmailing them because I have those naked pics of Talon on my phone,” I say sassily.
“Oooh!” Di’s eyes lights up. “Let’s see!”
But it feels wrong to share them, even if she’s my bestie, so I demur. “Maybe some other time,” I smile. “I’m still figuring out what to do with them, and besides, they’re private.” But then I try to change the subject. “How are things going with you?” I ask my buddy. “I feel like we never see each other anymore.”
The pretty brunette makes a face.
“Girl, it’s because we have opposite schedules. We’re working on a huge case at the law firm so I need to be there late at night. And in the mornings. And in the afternoons. Heck, my schedule is all about work right now.”
I nod while taking a bite of my cereal.
“But you sound psyched and really interested. It’s great that you get to work on something that’s really compelling.”
My roomie grins enthusiastically.
“Yeah, it’s pretty awesome and I’ve gotten more responsibility this time around. I’m basically assisting the head lawyer on this whole case and I’ve learned sooo much.”
“Congratulations! OMG, you should totally apply to law school seeing how much you’re enjoying your job.”
Di leans forward conspiratorially.
“Yeah, and guess what else? The head lawyer is insanely hot. There are definitely sparks between us even though he’s decades older than me.”
With that, we both burst into giggles and continue to eat our breakfasts. Di and I get along well because we like a lot of the same things and are intrigued by interesting twists of fate. She’s really supportive of the fact that I hooked up with two guys, and makes me promise to keep her in the loop. Meanwhile, I ask her about this mystery lawyer.
“So what does older mean?” I query. “Thirty? Forty?”
Di smirks a bit while jerking her thumb upwards. I gasp.
She nods sheepishly. “Or more, even. I think he has grandkids, Pais.”
I lean back in my chair, my mouth open.
“Holy shit!”
My friend smirks again.
“I know, right? But I promise he’s really hot and doesn’t look a day over forty-five.”
I merely shake my head, impressed.
“Wow, Di. Just wow.”
She giggles again. “I know. But it’s totally, absolutely taboo and he’s insanely gorgeous, which makes it worth it.”
My eyes are wide as I nod.
“All I can say is triple-wow, girlfriend. I thought I was being scandalous by hooking up with identical twins, but a grandpa? You’re blowing me out of the water!”
She grins. “No, I’m not. But don’t tell okay? It’s still early and you know we work together so it’s a huge secret.”
I mime zipping up my lips, and then after I’ve finished eating, I put my bowl in the sink and settle on our couch with a happy sigh. It feels good to relax into the soft cushions after the way I worked my muscles last night. Diana joins me within a few minutes and we put on a short TV show until she starts bustling about, getting ready to head into the office.
“Really?” I ask with a puzzled look. “On a Saturday? Is your hot grandpa going to be there?”
She squeals while packing her work bag, not even bothering to look up.
“Yes, for your information, he is. And I only think he’s a grandfather. I’m not sure. But what about you, Pais? Are you going to see the twins again?” she asks.
I shrug.
“I’d like to. We exchanged phone numbers and stuff so I guess it’s up to them. But maybe they just wanted to be with me for one night. I hope not, but who knows?”