Page 10 of Filthy Twin Fighters (Forbidden Fantasies 36)
But it’s true. The sweet girl was paparazzi, stalking Talon during his most private time, but she’s more than paid the price. The problem is that my brother and I want more after such an incredible first time. Paisley is too precious, sensual, and exciting to enjoy only once. Will she agree to being with both of us again?
* * *
My body has never been so sore, and it’s not because of the quick workout I did at the gym. Instead, being used by the twins has left me satisfied and utterly spent, even if I can barely walk today. Yet it was absolutely wonderful and I still can’t believe that happened. I really thought that Talon wanted me to scrub his kitchen or something of that sort to make up for my transgressions, but instead, I ended up having a no holds barred session with both him and his brother Torment.
What girl does that? I don’t know, but what I do know is that it felt incredible. After the brothers took me that first time, they carried me to a bedroom and we started again. In fact, I didn’t leave until the wee hours of the morning, which is part of the reason why I’m so sore. Talon and Torment made me come again and again, until I was panting, mewling and crying out with pleasure, my body sore and wrung out from multiple climaxes.
But now, I need to get back to real life. With a satisfied smile, I stretch my arms over my head and yawn with happiness before rolling out of bed. It’s time to get cracking. Even though I’m not working today, I should go out and build my portfolio at the very least. I love nature photography, and there’s a park not far from my apartment with a ton of birds I can capture on film. This kind of work has always been a passion of mine, and I can see myself doing this long-term, rather than stalking celebrities during their most awkward moments.
But first, I need to eat something because I haven’t had much since lunch yesterday! After my fun with the twins, I came home and went straight to bed because I was so worn out and exhausted.
I stroll into the common room and find my roommate, Diana, sitting at our tiny table. Di and I went to college together. We actually met freshman year in a general education class, and we became instant friends. Then, we lived together for the next three years and decided to keep it going even now that we’re out of school. After all, rent is expensive, and we both have student loans to pay off. By splitting a two-bedroom, we can cut down on costs.
But when I take a seat at the kitchen table, I wince slightly and let out a slight gasp. Di stares at me, her brown eyes sharp.
“Are you okay, Pais? You look… stiff.”
I laugh. “Yeah, I’m fine.”
But my best friend knows me too well. “Omg, you’re blushing! What happened last night? I didn’t even hear you come in.”
I color hotly.
“It’s because I walked in at about three.”
Di’s brown eyes go wide.
“OMG, that late? What happened? Did you have a hot date?”
I smile mysteriously while pouring myself a bowl of cereal.
“Sort of. Not exactly a date, but kind of sort of.”
Di leans forward with excitement, her eyes sparkling.
“OMG tell me! Please, my life is so not exciting right now and I need to live vicariously through you! Who has a kind-of, sort-of date?”
I laugh.
“Well, let’s just say I didn’t expect it to be a date. I met this guy, and then I met his brother, and one thing turned into another…”
Di’s practically leaping from her chair in excitement now.
“And? OMG, so you had a double date right? Another woman popped out of the woodwork and you both had a gorgeous man with you. OMG, where was I? I wish I were that woman!” she wails.
“No, no,” I laugh. “Actually, I hooked up with both of them. The men, I mean. There was no other woman”
At that, my roomie’s mouth snaps shut as she stares at me.
“No fucking way.”
“Yes way,” I say with a secret smile while adding milk to my cereal. “And it was amazing, Di. Totally and utterly incredible.”
Diana leans forward now, and begs for more.
“You have to tell me everything, Pais. OMG, this is so crazy but so wonderful too! You go girl! I’m so proud of you!”
With a giggle, I give in and spill the beans. I give her a quick overview of everything that happened yesterday, including the fact that Talon caught me taking illicit photos of him in the shower.
“So let me get this straight,” Di responds after a long pause with her brow furrowed. “You were blackmailed into having sex with Talon and Torment Creighton?”