Page 9 of Fated Fae (Fractured Fae 1)
“We all felt a pull here, so we traveled together. Do you know why?” The fae who previously yelled seems to be their spokesperson.
River looks confused for a moment, but answers. “I have no clue. I don’t feel anything odd. I’m not the only one in town, either. Perhaps, Andras? I can walk over there with you.” When she finishes speaking, I pull her aside. She’s definitely not heading off with a group of semi-hostile strangers.
“Are you sure? Is it safe?” I ask quietly, risking a glance at their leader, who’s still glaring at me.
“I’m sure it’s fine,” she says, though she seems uncertain at best. “I’m more worried about how the town will react to this.”
“How about we walk you?” Jacob suggests as I discreetly hand River my pepper spray, which she puts in her pocket without question. Not so sure at all it seems.
“How kind of you,” The spokesman offers with a slight bow of his head and shoulders. I nod in return despite the obvious bite in his tone. Just be nice, Bella.
The walk to Andras’ house is quiet and tense. Nobody offers any insight into where they came from and what this pull is. I’m nervous about the group of men who attacked Andras finding out about the new fae. If they do hear about it, they’ll head right for them. Thankfully it’s a college town so new people aren’t exactly unheard of, maybe they can fly under the radar. But even as I think it, I know it’s unlikely.
We manage to make it to Andras’ house in record time. He looks shocked when we knock on the door with an entire group in tow, but keeps his calm. Jacob and I step away to let them make their decisions, but not quite ready to just leave them at the hands of strangers, fae or not.
They talk quietly until River waves us off, looking relaxed. Andras doesn’t seem thrilled but he’s not sending them away either.
“Good luck, call me later. Let us know if you need anything,” I offer to Andras and River, glad that they aren’t facing them alone.
“Well, that was fucking weird,” Jacob whispers as we walk away from the front door.
“Agreed. What would make them travel here of all places? I wonder if more will come.” Fear strikes me at that thought. We are two people against a town of angry humans, it wouldn’t end well at all.
The rest of the walk is quiet as we both get lost in o
ur worries, though I think Jacob’s is probably centered on Sam. Once we get back to my apartment without incident, I rush over and set up Dormouse’s cage. It has a tunnel, a wheel, a little soft burrowing area, and a bowl filled with food. After filling his water dispenser, the job is done. Now that he’s set up, I just have to find a place for him.
Walking into the living room, I glance around before spotting a free spot on my bookshelf. Plus, this way I can see him while I work. We may have had a shaky start, but part of me is so excited about my little pet because the apartment gets lonely sometimes.
“So…” Jacob drags out the word. He was being so quiet I almost forgot that he was here. I turn around and look at him with my eyebrows raised. “How do you plan to put him in there?” he asks, laughter clear in his voice. He’s enjoying this far too much.
“Probably with a girlish scream and completely undignified behavior.” I huff and stick my nose in the air, mimicking his usual dramatics as I grab the container Dormouse is in and crack it open so I can peek in. He looks at me and squeaks, but makes no movement.
“Hey little guy. Can I put you in your new home now?” The mouse looks at me and cocks his head to the side like a dog. It’s almost like he is actually listening to me. I reach my hand forward slowly, and he doesn’t try to run from me, so I continue to speak in a soft voice to keep him calm. He doesn’t jump even when my hand is close to him. Thank God, Jacob would never have let me live it down if I screamed.
After a deep breath, I decide to just go for it and grab him gently. He doesn’t struggle at all, so I close my hands firmly around him so he doesn’t fall if he starts to panic. I nod my head towards the cage and Jacob cautiously pulls the door of the cage open so I can put Dormy in. I release him and Jacob closes the door as soon as my hands are free.
“Well, I’m impressed,” Jacob announces as he studies Dormouse. I throw away the bin and wash my hands, before coming back to stand next to Jacob who is observing my little pet. Dormouse seems happy as he explores his new home, but every so often his little beady eyes drift back to me.
“Okay, I have to ask. What did you do to your cabinet?” Jacob questions as he pointed to the cabinet door on my couch. I forgot to move it back last night with all of the mouse drama.
“Uh, it was a fit of panic when Dormouse touched me. I was grabbing my coffee,” I explain, trying to sound casual, but honestly the whole thing still freaks me out. He narrows his eyes at me, immediately seeing through my flippant tone.
“You panicked and ripped off an entire cabinet door that wasn’t even loose? I’ve made coffee here. If it was loose I would have fixed it,” his voice is dripping with sarcasm.
“Something like that,” I say nonchalantly, not willing to sound crazy just yet.
He walks over to stand directly in front of me. “Bella. What happened?” His voice is no longer playful, but harsh, not allowing room for more lies.
“No clue. One minute I was screaming, and the next it flew across the room onto the couch,” I confess, sagging into the counter behind me. It sounds even crazier out loud.
“Weird. Maybe Andras wasn’t far off. Could you have fae blood in you or something? That would be badass! I’ve read so many books to prepare me for things like this! Maybe you’re about to meet your sexy fae king or something?!” His voice gets higher in his excitement and I can’t help but laugh at the fact he took my weird and ran with it.
“Not possible. I’m pretty sure my grandmother would have told me.” I said with an eye roll. My grandmother raised me. She said my mother died in childbirth and she took me in. She was a stern lady, but she wasn’t cruel. It was a fairly loveless house, but I ended up okay.
“She might not have known!” Jacob is still hooked on his paranormal romance fantasies and getting more excited by the minute, his voice rising with each word. “Maybe it was your dad. Either way, something is different about you. Think it has anything to do with that group of fae being drawn here?”
“Now who’s crazy? Jacob, we would have known. You don’t wake up one day and just have powers.”