Page 10 of Fated Fae (Fractured Fae 1)
“Sure you do,” he scoffs.
“Okay, no more paranormal books for you,” I joke, but he doesn’t look convinced. “It freaked me out, but I’m sure it was just a coincidence.”
“Nope. Something weird is going on,” he announces with pure conviction. “I’m going home to research fae and check on Sam, I’ll let you know what I find. Try not to do anything crazy while I’m gone.” He smirks as he gives me a kiss on the cheek and hurries out of the door.
Well that escalated quickly.
Chapter 4
By the next afternoon, I still hadn't heard from River. As soon as class ends and I’m back in my room, I pull out my phone and call. The moment she answers, I jump right into the conversation, foregoing a greeting. “Is everything alright?” I’ve been nervous ever since we walked away from Andras and River. Just because the newcomers are fae, doesn’t mean they’re friendly.
“Yes, but somehow word got out. We have a group of men outside now. I was just about to call you.” Her words have an edge to them and I’m immediately angry.
“I’m coming. Once they realize you have human support they’ll leave.” At least I hope they will, but sometimes when humans rally together they get out of hand… mob mentality is real and toxic as fuck.
“You don’t have your pepper spray anymore. Be careful, Bella.” She sounds worried, which means they’re probably not just quietly protesting.
“Don’t worry, I have more. See you in a few minutes.” Ending the call, I grab my purse and head for the door. It isn’t dark yet, so I at least won’t be dealing with these idiots while barely being able to see.
I can hear the crowd before I see them. As I round the corner I’m shocked to see that it’s not just a few assholes, but an entire crowd. They’re over twenty strong at this point. I snap a picture and text it to Jacob before walking over. Just in case… you can never be too careful.
“Get out of here fairies! We don’t want your kind here!” Someone yells loudly and is immediately accompanied by a chorus of cheers and insults. Not the most original of war cries, but then again they aren’t the most intelligent humans.
“Keep Silver Forest fae free!” Is quickly becoming an obnoxious chant.
Not being nice about it, I push my way through the crowd, throwing out elbows when necessary. I’m almost to the front of Andras’ yard when a rough grip yanks me back. I turn back with my pepper spray in my free hand.
“You have five seconds to get your fucking hands off of me,” I seethe. The burly middle-aged man smirks in response.
“Or what?” He laughs, looking around to see if the others join in, which of course they do. “Are you a faerie lover?” His tone is mocking as he projects his voice, further getting laughter and yells for him to show me what they do to fae lovers.
“Or I will pepper spray you in self-defense, you jackass,” my tone is icy and he flinches, but doesn’t let go. “One… don’t make me finish, because I won’t hold back.”
“Stupid faerie lovers.” He lets me go with a shove. I hit the ground, and with that, the last of my patience melts away. When I’m on my feet again, I turn around with my fist ready and punch the man as hard as I can in the chest, letting my rage and disgust at their behavior fuel me. The shocking part is that the three hundred or more pound man flies a good three feet back before toppling over. All eyes turn to me in shock, but I refuse to give them a reaction, keeping my face a mask of indifference.
“Get out of here and stop harassing the fae. They aren’t harming anyone but you are in fact the ones causing harm. Just last week I saved a fae girl from being assaulted. We saved another one from a mob, similar to this. Is this really how you want to represent our race? That makes you look weaker. You aren’t winning if you’re using entire groups on one fucking man. You aren’t winning by forcing yourself on the fae. Stop this, Now!”
I put as much confidence and emotion in m
y voice as I can. The entire crowd blinks at me for a few moments, completely silent, before turning and walking away. A few stay behind long enough to help the man on the ground. Once they’re all finally gone, I turn around and start up the walkway to Andras’ front door. The door opens before I even get close to it. Apparently they were watching and waiting for me.
Just as I’m halfway up the walk, an awful burning pain sears across my left shoulder blade. The pain is so intense I cry out and fall to my knees. River and Andras are on their knees next to me in moments. Did one of the protesters tase me when my back was turned?
“What’s wrong, Bella?” River’s voice is rising in panic. I clutch at my shoulder and whimper, unable to actually form words through the pain. The skin almost feels like someone is digging hot, molten metal into it, branding me. River lifts the back of my shirt until she has access to the spot I’m clutching at. Andras scoots in front to block my exposed stomach and bra from the others, keeping my modesty when it’s the last thing on my mind. River gasps and I turn to see her shocked face.
“What is it?” Andras shouts in alarm. River apparently can’t speak. He gives me an apologetic look I barely see through the tears blurring my vision.
“Bella?!” Jacob’s voice bellows out as his feet pound down the sidewalk. I feel myself being pulled into his arms as he assesses me. “What did they do to you?” He asks as he continues his search for other wounds.
“It wasn’t the crowd, they were gone when she collapsed. It’s this,” River finally chokes out. Andras hasn’t said anything, just stepping away. River stops him with a hand on his arm. “Keep this between us for now.” Her voice is fierce. Now I’m in an even bigger panic, but the pain is finally ebbing away to manageable levels, mind clearing enough to think. Now it just feels like I have a sunburn.
“Her birthmark? How did you hurt it, Bella?” Jacob asks as he lightly traces his fingers over the fiery spot.
“That’s what is on fire on my back?” I ask, my voice weak from the pain as I wipe away the tears that remain.
“A birthmark?” River asks quietly. Her face and voice show her clear disbelief. Who lies about a birthmark?
“What’s wrong, River? Why are you being weird about it?” Jacob accuses, clearly trying to defend my feelings.