Page 61 of Blood Prince
“Right, but could you help her too, not just, um…” I wasn’t sure how to couch the request. Apollo had effectively destroyed my strategy on the point.
“Sure, sure. I’ll see what I can do, but I’m far more interested in what she can do, if you follow.” He waggled his eyebrows before turning back around and continuing out of the corridor, his pace ever quicker.
“Needle teeth,” I called after him.
“Under control,” he called back.
Lilah and Liatra hurried to keep up. Apollo wasn’t wasting a second, it seemed, to get to work on his bucket list.
“Cad,” I muttered.
Apollo’s voice echoed through the corridor: “God hearing, Helen. God hearing.”
And then they were gone.
Chapter Twenty-Six
I had listened patiently as Faren gave me a total rundown of the Bloodkeep’s defenses, vast riches, fortifications, escape routes, history, and even its pageantry. I had heard it all, but my thoughts kept straying to Elena. She’d been gone overlong.
The light of the suns was already fading into a serene twilight outside. Inside, there was a flurry of activity. The Darkwood vampires, along with the loyal keep-dwellers, had set about removing every trace of crimson from the keep. The effort would take weeks, if not months. But every so often, when a banner came down, the swirl emblem, highlighted in hues of blue and gold, was revealed. The symbols were etched into the immoveable walls of the keep.
Desmerada had only managed to cover over Priam’s legacy, not destroy it entirely. I would try to continue in my father’s footsteps, though the mantle of such a king was a heavy burden. Protecting the Bloodkeep was a monumental task. Defeating Menelaus and his demon horde was even more daunting. But with Elena by my side—I gazed around the room as the workers revealed more emblems by the moment—I could manage it. She’d brought me this far.
I couldn’t stop the smile that turned the corners of my lips when I remembered her calm decree back at my mountain home. How she would take the Bloodkeep. I had been a fool to have doubted her then and would be an even greater fool to do so now. We would destroy Menelaus, together, as it was always meant to be.
“My lord, it is almost time to greet your subjects,” Faren said.
“I’m as ready as I’ll ever be.” I was humbled at the thought of having subjects but wanted to reassure all vampires that the Bloodkeep was once again a safe haven. With the help of Elena, Faren, and Shildreth, the Bloodkeep could reclaim its former glory.
Faren cleared his throat. “Well, my lord, you, uh, you’ll need to change first.”
Paris looked down at his T-shirt and jeans. Not exactly regal. Faren was right.
“Not to worry, my lord. Shildreth found some things when she was down in the servants’ quarters doing her inspection. Many of them saved several items of your mother’s and father’s before Desmerada spoiled the keep. Made from the Darkwood spiders’ enchanted silk, they are just as beautiful now as they were during Priam’s reign. I think she’s found something more fitting for you to wear to your first audience.”
I rose, suddenly nervous at the thought of an “audience.” It was all so formal.
“You’ll do fine,” Faren said. “Just go make ready. I’ll have everything prepared so it should go smoothly.”
The captain’s confidence was a balm, though not quite strong enough to erase all my doubt. I found my way back to the cavernous bedroom. It was already more to my liking, the crimson touches all but gone. A blue robe with gold piping was laid out for me, along with a simple white button-down and dark slacks. But that wasn’t what caught my eye.
Elena stepped from the closet, freshly showered. Her hair was in damp waves, and a towel was wrapped loosely around her. The slightest tug would send it cascading to the floor. Gods, I needed her.
“Elena.” The only word I could get out.
She stilled and caught me in her emerald gaze that turned sultry. Without a word, she let the towel drop. Daring me to take her.
I needed no further provocation. I slammed the door behind me, making the room vibrate with the sound. I rushed to her and grabbed her up in my arms before tossing her to the bed. She laughed, low and sensual. I knew that sound—it played in my mind from our many nights together. I didn’t stop to think about it, didn’t care about the why of it. I only knew that she wanted me. Now.
She watched every movement as I undressed. When her gaze hung on my hard shaft, I could almost feel it. Her arousal was heavy on the air. My need for her on my tongue was unbearable. When she let her knees fall apart and bared herself to me, I was past all sense, all logic. I was a being of passion, and I existed only for her.