Page 60 of Blood Prince
The memories faded back into my mind, though still a part of me. I blinked, and my vision cleared. Liatra’s eyes had returned to the calm midnight. I had been clutching the seer’s hands so hard, I’d no doubt hurt her. I let go.
“It’s all right, my dear. No harm done.” Liatra leaned back on the couch and let out a breath. Her body shook beneath her robes, and she gripped the nearest cushions as the tremors grew and subsided. Her abilities were clearly taxing. I could relate.
Lilah’s hands were on my cheeks, and she wiped away the tears that had run freely. “You okay?”
I drew in a shuddering breath. “I think so. It’s just… It’s a lot.” I relaxed into Lilah’s arms, laying my head on my best friend’s breast.
“I really am Helen. The Helen of Troy.” My voice was small beside the enormity of my past.
Lilah stroked my hair, soothing me. “Are you trying to say you’re prettier than me? Is that what this is about?”
I snorted a laugh through my tears.
Silence fell on the room, a hush created from the power of memories and Liatra’s abilities. I just let the steady rise and fall of Lilah’s breaths bring me back down, safe here in the present.
Apollo spoke up, “You know, when the songs say Helen had a face that could ‘launch a thousand ships,’ what they were really saying was that Helen had a body that could ‘stiffen a thousand—’”
“Thanks for the history lesson, boss,” Lilah cut in.
I laughed as I settled back into the current time. Apollo smiled and gave me a friendly nod, as if to say welcome back.
“As much as we’d like to stay and chat, Liatra has had a rough week, and I need to get her back to Delphi. Her son has been having some ragers while she’s been gone. The place is a mess, let me tell you.”
Apollo and Liatra stood.
Liatra sighed. “I already knew he would do it, but I’m still disappointed that he did. Oh, the life of a seer and the mother of a teenage boy.”
Lilah gave me one more squeeze before standing. I knew I couldn’t ask Lilah to stay, though I wanted to.
As if reading my mind, Lilah said, “I’ll be back to visit. Promise. Besides, I’m sure Apollo wouldn’t mind if I aided you in taking down Menelaus. Right?”
Apollo crossed his arms over his broad chest, flexing his pecs. “Lilah, Helen can fight her own battles. Besides, you’ll be busy fighting mine. Ares is still at the top of my list.”
Lilah balled her fists. “Mine too.”
“I guess we’re off, then,” Lilah said before leaning in and whispering in my ear, “I’m totally coming back to visit, and soon.”
“I have the hearing of a god, Lilah,” Apollo said, his eyes twinkling with mischief.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever you say.” She shook her head.
Apollo easily lifted the enormous ruby from its stand and tucked it under his arm. They moved into the hallway, the god leading the way. He seemed to know it by heart, though I was already lost.
I was so happy to have gotten to see Lilah, to feel the love of my sister again. It reminded me of another, someone who had a greater need of love than any creature I’d yet encountered. Perhaps I could do something about that.
I steeled myself before asking the next question. Seeking favors from the gods was never a good idea. They always wanted something in return.
Still, I had to try. “Apollo?”
“Yep?” He kept walking.
“Can I ask you something?”
“You just did.”
Lilah looked over her shoulder at me, puzzled.
I took a deep breath before plunging ahead. “Well, see, there’s a maiden in the Darkwood who was cursed a long time ago, and I think, well, I hope, that you could do something to help her get back to the way she was, or maybe talk to Athena about it?”
“No can do, Queenie. Athena and I are on the outs at the moment. She’s taking Ares’s side in the dustup we’ve got going on.”
“Hades,” I cursed.
“Actually, Hades is on my side for once. Can you believe that?” He kept striding on down the hall. The chances of winning his help faded with each step.
“Right, but, Apollo, this maiden. She was treated unfairly, and I think that if you just help Arachne—”
Apollo whirled, sending the crimson banners along the walls floating violently in the sudden breeze.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, are you saying Arachne is here, in the Darkwood?” Apollo’s face lit, looking almost angelic. Almost. “I’ve had ‘do a half spider/half woman’ on my bucket list for millennia!”
Lilah smirked, Liatra gave a “boys will be boys” shrug, and Apollo slapped his thigh with his free hand.
“Ladies, looks like we’ll be making a little detour on our way back to Delphi.” The god rubbed his chest in anticipation.