Page 72 of Tyrant Stalker (Tyrant Dynasty 2)
"Don't go."
Her eyes fill with tears and she desperately clings to my hand, pulling me back as she sits up in the bed. Everything inside me is screaming at me to leave. Not to let her in, not to let her see my vulnerability. I don't want Dove to know she's my fucking weak spot. I don't want anyone to know that, because they’d sure as fuck use it against me. Especially my little bird.
"Please," she mewls. "Just stay with me. We don't have to talk. Sit by me. Hold my hand."
I want to resist but I can't. Not when I see Dove's hopeful eyes.
I don't fucking love her, I tell myself in my head. It's obsession, not love.
There's a fucking difference.
Chapter 28
I don't know how long we stay like that on the bed, but Nox holds me close the whole time. I feel the beat of my heart slowly growing steadier, less erratic. Once it returns to a normal pace, I finally start to breathe again, and I'm grateful for every atom of oxygen that fills my tired lungs.
He starts caressing my hair, his palm sliding over my locks to my cheek. I cuddle up against him, my head unable to believe what's happening. But for the time being, I simply accept it, let him in and let myself feel every emotion he's brought out of me in these eleven days of solitude.
"Do you feel better?" Nox asks roughly. I can tell this is hard for him. That giving a shit, showing me he cares, is so difficult for him. I shouldn't be grateful, I should hate him, but my heart melts for the man, nevertheless.
"Yeah," I whisper.
"Good," he grunts. "Then we can move on."
He leaves the bed, leaving a cold spot behind between the sheets. He collects something from a paper bag he brought with him earlier and presents it to me. It's a simple silver chain that's attached to a black leather collar. My heart pounds at the sight.
"What's this for?"
"For you," he smirks. "if you're a good girl."
"What do I have to do for it?"
"Obey me."
It sounds so simple yet my whole body wants to resist him. I don't want to give in to his demands. I don't want to admit he owns me, as true as we both know it is.
Without saying another word, Nox tightens the collar around my throat. The weight of it feels so good around my neck, I fight the urge to moan, turning my face to the side so my captor won't see me blushing.
"Are you going to be a good girl and do as I say?" He tips my chin back, making me look at him. "Maybe then I'll finally let you have my fucking cock..."
"Please," I manage.
"Answer me."
"I've been good."
"Not good enough," he hisses, tugging on my collar. "Give me more."
I shake my head wordlessly. A part of me is hoping I'll elicit a reaction from him, and I get what I want.
"You remember how obsessed you used to be with me?" Nox whispers in my ear, taunting me. "How much you craved my attention, my affection? You would've done anything for me. You practically begged me for that pretty memento you wear on your cheek..."
I swallow, unable to reply. The part of me that truly believes all this is falling for his cruel, malicious words. I'm succumbing to his old charm just like I always fucking do. I want him. I need this. I want him to use me.
"You wanted to be perfect," he keeps going. "So obsessed with looking like my stepsister... Blonde, pretty, a perfect Barbie doll. You know how much more beautiful you are now?"
His fingers tighten around my throat as I whimper and shake my head.
"Every man that sees you on the street wants a piece of that tight little ass. They all fantasize about you, little bird. Burrowing their thick cocks in your holes... but they're all mine, aren't they? You're not going to let anyone else have them, are you, Dove?"
I manage a wordless moan and he smirks at me, his finger gliding over my cheek, over the scar he gave me. I fucking hate the man and yet I can't resist his sweet abuse.
"You were so empty back then, little bird," he goes on. "So full of nothing. You're different now. You're not whole anymore. I broke you. You're not just an empty doll from a magazine cover. You're my beautiful, broken toy."
I shiver beneath his touch. My body longs for him to claim me, even though my mind is still fighting the truth. But he's done so much for me. He's fixed me. I'm confident I can make it now, even if he disappears again. It would break my heart, but it wouldn't destroy me. Nothing can destroy me now.