Page 71 of Tyrant Stalker (Tyrant Dynasty 2)
"Look at me. Bend your head back."
Doing what she's told, she whimpers again.
"What did I fucking say about making noises?" I growl into her ear.
"I can't help it," she mewls, and it's as if a dam has opened. "Please, Nox, please, I can't take it, I can't take it, help me, you have to help me."
"Help you?" I laugh against her goose-bumped skin. "I'm only going to make it worse, little bird."
I choose to ignore that she's lost our little game. Her words are turning me on.
I test her asshole with my thumb first, and she gasps when I slide it in. I fuck her like that until her knees shake, then push in another finger. She's moaning my name, shivering uncontrollably. She wants an orgasm, but she won't get one from me, not now. I love to see her suffering too much.
When I pull out of her, Dove whimpers. But my fingers are soon replaced by my cock, and the way it fills her up makes her roll her eyes back. She's so fucking tight. She feels so goddamn good. I never want to leave this tight spot, off limits to anyone else but me. She's my whore. She's always been mine. I just have to convince her of that. Make her submit.
"Beg me then," I whisper in her ear. "Beg me to fuck your filthy slut hole."
"N-Nox," she manages, trembling in my arms. "Fuck me."
"I didn't hear a single please," I hiss, burying my cock deeper to the sound of her moans. "Beg me, little bird. Beg for my fucking cock."
"Please, I... I'll do anything," she admits brokenly, lashes still aflutter. "I'll do anything for your cock, Nox."
"You'll take care of yourself?" I grunt in her ear. "You fucking swear you'll take care of yourself for me?"
"I'll do everything for you," she breathes. "Anything, everything you want."
"You admit it?" I push myself all the way inside her. "You're my whore? You're my property?"
She tenses again, refusing to give me an answer. Her body fights her, her ass clenching around my cock, but the words never come, and she doesn't nod either.
"We'll see," I hiss. "I'll make you say it, my pretty little whore."
"You… you fucked June like this?" she stutters.
I'm so shocked by her words, I stop pushing inside her for a second. "What the fuck?"
"I said, did you fuck June like this?" Her words are filled with venom yet dripping with pain, and she turns her accusing eyes to mine. "I bet you did. I bet you're doing all this to get back at her. You still want her, don't you? You're still in love with her, you still want her, you're still as obsessed with her as you were when we first met! Just fucking admit it, Parker!"
"Shut your damn mouth," I grunt, pulling my cock out. "Don't say her name. This is about us. You!"
"Liar," she yells, struggling against me. The claws come out then and she attacks me, digging her long talons into my skin. "You're a fucking liar!"
I grab her by the wrists, making sure to hold her firmly enough so she can't hurt either of us and yet with enough gentleness that I don't leave marks.
"Breathe, little bird," I mutter as the next batch of hot tears slide down her pale cheeks. "Breathe for me, in and out."
"No," she manages, shaking in my arms. I hold her wrists with one hand and open the shower with the other. The moment is over, she doesn't need my cock anymore. She needs me to make her feel whole again.
Gently, I guide her out of the shower. She seems numb now, shaking with her eyes misty. I wrap her in a thick white towel and lead her to the bed. She climbs in without fighting me, pretty eyes focused on anything in the room but me. She can't even look at me. I should've known this would happen.
"Do you want me to go?" I grunt as I tuck her in. "I'll leave you alone, let you breathe."
"No," she whispers, still without looking at me. A silence follows and she toys with the edge of the duvet before finally looking at me. "I'm sorry."
"Why'd you do that?"
"Because..." She shrugs with a shaky smile. "I guess my shrink would say, because I wanted the validation. Seeing you stay after I tried so hard to push you away."
"You really worried about June?" She shrugs again. "I don't give a shit about her, Dove."
"You did back then."
"That was years ago. But you're right," I growl. "I should've realized then that she wasn't the one for me."
"And I am?"
Refusing to answer her question, I pick myself up from her bed.
"Don't go," she calls out after me.
"I got you a present," I mutter. "I'll get it and you wait here. But you need to calm down, so I'll be back in an hour. Don't touch yourself."