Page 50 of Signed Over to Santino
The pace was steady, his gaze fierce on her face as he took complete possession of her. Carla wanted to look away, suddenly afraid of what he would see in her ey
es, especially since she wasn’t sure what her raw emotions betrayed. But the dark depths of his gaze held her prisoner, each gleam mesmerising, his open hunger almost as absorbing as what his body was doing to hers. Uncontrollable shudders rolled through her as pressure mounted. Her moans mingled with his deep groans until they melded into one erotic litany that swirled around them.
‘Carla,’ he whispered her name as he plunged his fingers into her hair and ramped up the tempo of his thrusts.
The sound of her name on his lips, like this, shattered something inside her. As much as she wanted to convince herself this was an emotionless coupling, she knew it wasn’t.
Not when she was floating out of herself, her heart unfurling like a flower towards the sun.
A touch of panic seized her. ‘Javier, non posso... I...please...’
Javier felt a deep shudder reel through him, the last vestiges of doubt washing away beneath the pleasure overtaking him. He’d pondered whether he’d done the right thing by acting this way, by bringing her here, to the place where she’d scored a direct hit to his pride. Right in the moment, he knew nothing could persuade him otherwise. She was exactly where he wanted her to be, in his bed, beneath him, his name on her lips and ecstasy stamped in her gorgeous eyes. He trailed a hand down her side, felt her very skin strain towards him, and he wanted to roar his triumph.
For far too long, he’d wanted her. Had wondered whether he’d dreamed their potent chemistry and was savagely delighted that he hadn’t.
She made another fractured sound, a twist between a sob and a moan. That singular sound that spelled how close she was imploded every useless thought. Her hips twisted up to meet his, her slick channel a hot fist around his manhood.
The roar that punched from him was as alien as the peak he crested a minute later. Both far surpassed the norm and threw him headlong into a kaleidoscopic unknown. Breathing ragged and desperate, he buried his face in her neck and deliberately emptied his mind of thought.
He couldn’t deal with the unknown at the moment. Hell, he felt as if he were skating the very edge of sound reasoning from the moment he’d taken her call yesterday afternoon. Among those absurd feelings, the need to cherish and protect were ones he couldn’t comprehend. He had no intention of comprehending them. At long last, she was back in his bed. That would be the extent of his personal dealings with Carla.
He raised himself up and stared down into her face. Lust-glazed eyes met his and he exhaled when they didn’t immediately slide away. Leaning down, he tasted her kiss-swollen lips, groaning when they clung briefly to his. He indulged them both for a minute, before reluctantly pulling away to dispose of the condom.
On his return he saw that she had rolled onto her side, away from him. Javier tried not to let the sight disturb him. She would not be going far this time. Nor would any attempt to reject him ring true. Her responses had been genuine. And borderline innocent, just like the first time. Almost as though she hadn’t taken any other lover since him.
He frowned. The urge to probe the extent of her sexual history hovered on his tongue, but he curbed it. Simply because that didn’t matter in the here and now. And not because the idea that she might have been with someone else messed with his head.
Sliding into bed, he gathered her close, releasing a trapped breath when she came willingly, melted against him. She laid her injured hand on his chest and he found himself reaching for it, smoothing a kiss over the cast before curling his fingers over it.
She raised her head and her eyes met his. The quiet fire he’d missed seeing in them was back. But so was the bewildering feeling powering through his own body. Leaning down, he kissed her one more time. When her lids drooped, he settled her firmly against his body.
‘Sleep now, if you want to, querida. You’ve passed the first test with flying colours.’
He tried not to read too much into her response when she murmured, ‘I’m so glad,’ then promptly drifted off to sleep. But he was wide awake several hours later, staring up at the stars, his mind abuzz with unsettling thoughts. When one thought kept recurring—that he was dreading the approach of morning in case history repeated itself with a vengeance—he grunted and kicked away the tangled sheets, a wicked thread of satisfaction spiking through him when Carla opened her eyes. He was donning protection and sliding into her before she was fully awake. After that, he encouraged her to join him in raiding the fridge.
Then, sated, he dragged her back to bed.
* * *
Carla awoke splayed out on top of Javier. She knew he was awake because his fingers teased through her hair in long, lazy movements. Her heart kicked hard as the events of last night flooded her mind. But as much as the euphoria made itself felt, it was the bright sunlight filtering in through the curtains that made her stomach dip in alarm.
Her last experience of the morning after had been abysmal. And she didn’t doubt that the memory would be in the forefront of Javier’s mind too.
‘I’m willing to forget our previous experience if you are.’
Her head jerked up. Polished mahogany flecked with gold regarded her steadily, but she saw the steady tic in his cheek as his fingers continued to play with her hair.
With every cell in her body, she wanted to say yes, to brush the unfortunate incident under the carpet and forget it’d ever happened. But she owed him an explanation. ‘No, I don’t want to forget it. I want to explain.’
His eyes darkened but he nodded. ‘Very well. Go on.’
She bit her lip. ‘That week we met was the first time I’d ever been given any form of freedom or time off since I was twelve years old. The day I was accepted into the international figure-skating programme, my life stopped being my own.’
Javier frowned. ‘I thought you loved it.’
‘I did. I do,’ she replied, but Carla knew the ambivalence she’d been feeling lately bled into her voice. ‘It’s the only thing I excel at, but it’s hard to love something when you know without it you’re nothing.’
His frown deepened. ‘Nothing? What are you talking about?’