Page 49 of Signed Over to Santino
The bite of hunger on his face was undeniable, but his mouth still twisted as he stared down at her. ‘At least you didn’t wear white. That would’ve taken things a step too far, sí?’
She shivered at his raw, intense scrutiny, her nipples peaking with harsh demand as his gaze dropped and lingered at where the lace cupped her breasts. Heat lanced her, the ferocious fever roaring through her veins just from the look in his eyes.
With the grace of a magnificent predator, he circled her, eliciting decadent goosebumps on her flesh as he trailed sultry air over her with his movements. He stopped for an interminable age behind her, until every nerve in her body screamed for relief.
‘Exquisite,’ he rasped.
Finally, she felt him reach out and slowly untie her hair from its customary knot. The tresses fell heavily onto her shoulders. His fingers sank into them, much as they had this morning on his terrace in New York.
‘I don’t like your hair all caught up. I want it free to run my hands through whenever I feel like it. You will not wear it up again while we’re here. Understood?’ he rasped in her ear.
Another shudder rolled over her. Her throat clogged, she could barely answer. ‘Yes.’
‘Good.’ Sliding his hands from her hair, he grasped her shoulders and turned her round. For an instant a naked, bewildered look was on his face, then it disappeared just as quickly. ‘Kiss me, Carla,’ he demanded.
Her heart faltered, then banged with renewed vigour against her ribs. Swallowing, she closed the gap between them, her heels lending her a fleeting confidence as she lifted herself the last few inches to press her lips against his. A snapped-off growl punched between them. Head swimming, she opened her lips and tasted him. Hot and virile, he was like a drug she couldn’t stay away from. Feeling bolder, she deepened the kiss, her arms lifting to slide around his neck, then glided her tongue along his lower lip.
Firm hands grasped her waist, plastering her to him before his hands slid down to cup her pert behind. In a move that was shockingly erotic, he rolled her against his raging erection, the blatant intent behind the move arrowing need straight between her thighs. Unable to help herself, she pressed even closer.
A harsh exhalation burned her lips before he took over the kiss. Commanding, potently male, he devoured her mouth with ruthless vigour. Just when she didn’t think she could stand the flames of desire, he picked her up and laid her on the bed.
Heart racing even faster, she watched, dazed as he ripped his buttons free and tugged off his shirt. Dry-mouthed, Carla stared at the sleek beauty of him. Smooth and toned without a spare ounce of flesh, Javier was truly breathtaking. Her awe at his amazing body tripled when he unbuckled his belt and kicked away his trousers and boxers.
Dio mio, he was impressive. Far more than she’d allowed herself to remember during those secret nights when she’d been unable to stem the memories. Her breath stalled as he prowled to the bed. Slowly, he tugged her shoes off, swiftly followed by her bra and panties. From the bedside drawer, he extracted a condom, which he tossed on the bed.
Then he wrapped his hands around her ankles and drew her legs apart. From head to toe she was exposed before him. And she was incapable of hiding. Her limbs were his to command as he pleased. He arranged her legs around him, then he bent his impressive body over her.
He kissed the silken space between her breasts, taking his time to cup each mound, mould her flesh in his big hands and roll her turgid nipples between his fingers.
Her back arched off the bed as sensation snaked through her like a live wire. Each moan was answered with a deeper caress, a harder nip until her head was thrashing on the pillow. Catching one nipple in his mouth, he rolled the tight peak over his tongue before he sucked deep.
‘Ah, Dio,’ she gasped as harsher sensations arrowed between her legs.
She was burning up. Every caress drew her closer to the peak she’d only experienced at this man’s hands. Her hips twisted, need wild and untamed clamouring through her. His lips finally left her breasts, trailing lower down her body, bestowing hotter, more fervent kisses over her skin.
He reached the juncture of her thighs and she stopped breathing. Intent fierce and clear on his face, he lowered his head. At the first bold kiss, her eyes rolled shut.
He pulled away and froze.
‘Eyes open, Carla. Tell me you want this. There will be no more hiding,’ he instructed hoarsely. ‘No more pretending this isn’t happening.’
She forced herself to stare into his molten gaze and not drown in the torrential storm raging over her senses. ‘I want this. Please...’
His nails raked lightly over her lower belly. Then again, harder. Pleasure like never before exploded beneath her skin. ‘Again,’ he demanded fiercely.
‘I want you, Javier,’ she murmured his name, needing to ground herself. Another drag of his nails.
With a deep groan, he rolled his tongue over her, expertly finding that most sensitive bud that sent her wild. His exploration was brazen, his determination to wring every ounce of response from her a purpose that raged from his every pore. From one heartbeat to the next, she was cresting that blissful peak, her senses in free fall as ecstasy slammed into her.
The sound of foil ripping was the precursor to the deeper, longer, more decadent pleasure she knew awaited her when she surfaced from the depths of her blinding release.
Javier reared over her, taking hold of her injured hand to rest it on the pillow above her head. Then he planted himself between her thighs, his full weight supported on his elbows as he stared down at her.
‘Who do you belong to?’
‘You. I’m yours. Please,’ she gasped.
A hard, possessive kiss on her lips, followed by a deep exploration with his tongue, then he surged into her with one deep, true thrust.