Page 66 of Crown Prince's Bought Bride
She was startled out of her thoughts by the click of a camera. Although she knew she’d been caught unawares by the palace photographer, she dredged up a smile—which froze on her face when her eyes clashed with Remi’s.
His gaze captured hers before dropping to her flat belly. For a tense moment he remained immobile, with a fierce look in his eyes that locked the air in her lungs. A second later he turned his back on her.
* * *
That numbing sensation still shrouded her when they drove through a set of iron gates manned by security guards the next evening.
They were barely out of the car when a thin, elegantly dressed woman Maddie had seen only in glossy magazines hurried towards them. She inhaled sharply.
‘Your godmother is Margot Barringhall, the English Countess?’
‘She’s half-Montegovan. She’s also my mother’s best friend.’ His tone was clipped. Resigned.
‘You don’t sound very happy about being here.’
‘I’m fond of her, but Margot likes to play games.’
‘What type of games?’ she asked.
‘You’ll see,’ he said cryptically.
‘Remi, my dear, it’s simply wonderful to see you.’
Arms outstretched, Margot hugged him, her smile widening as Remi kissed her on both cheeks.
‘Maman wouldn’t have forgiven me if I hadn’t made time to see you before the coronation,’ he drawled.
Margot laughed, but when her gaze swung to Maddie a second later her expression cooled. ‘Ah, here’s the blushing bride. Forgive me for leaving straight after your wedding ceremony. I had a prior engagement I simply couldn’t break.’ Her gaze dropped to Maddie’s flat stomach. ‘Even though it was all so...rushed I wish I’d been able to enjoy all of it. Anyway, welcome to the family. May I call you Madeleine?’
Remi was the only one who used her full name, and she was suddenly loath to grant that privilege to anyone else. She smiled stiffly. ‘Maddie is fine.’
‘I hope you’re adjusting to your new role? It must be daunting.’
‘I’m doing fine, but thank you for your concern,’ Maddie replied, her insides tightening at the underlying dig. Margot wasn’t talking about being a member of royalty. She meant Maddie’s place in Remi’s life.
Satisfied that her gibe had been delivered, Margot turned back to Remi. ‘Come through—everyone’s having drinks in the Blue Room.’
She claimed her godson’s arm, and for a moment Maddie thought Remi would leave her behind. But his hand gripped hers, sending a bolt of electricity up her arm when their palms slid together.
She was so caught up in not reacting outwardly to that sizzling touch she barely had the wherewithal to gape at the roll call of celebrities and royals gracing Margot’s stately home. But when Margot led them purposefully towards a trio of women who bore a striking resemblance to the beautiful Countess, Maddie felt her skin tighten.
‘Remi, you remember Charlotte? She’s returned from Sydney to accept a position with the UN. I managed to convince her that two years was long enough for her to be away. Who knows? She might take up a post here in Montegova.’
A telling look passed between mother and daughter.
‘Welcome home,’ Remi responded easily, but his smile held a cool edge. ‘I’m sure my ministers can facilitate the appropriate meetings if required.’
Charlotte’s face fell a fraction, but she hid it behind her glass of champagne as Remi turned his attention to the other two women, who were introduced as Sage and Violet, identical twins.
‘Violet recently returned from New York too. She finished her internship with your brother. I’ve been trying to reach Zak for the letter of recommendation he promised, but he’s been unavailable,’ Margot complained.
Remi tensed, but before he could reply Violet inhaled sharply.
‘You’ve been trying to reach Zak? I told you not to. I said I’d take care of it, Mother,’ she admonished, her voice thin and shaky as her already pale cheeks blanched further.
A memory teased through Maddie’s thoughts, reminding her that Violet was the woman she’d spotted on her way up the aisle. The woman Zak had tensed upon seeing.
Margot brushed her daughter away. ‘His letter is important. You were under his guidance for six months and you’ve been home for two. It’s time you took the next step in your career.’