Page 65 of Crown Prince's Bought Bride
Maddie was on the back terrace, overlooking the first of several tiered lawns as his helicopter settled on the helipad. Unable to help herself, she searched his face for signs that he’d missed her as much as she’d yearned for him, and deluded herself into thinking that she’d caught a single sizzling, ravenous look in his eyes before his expression gelled into regal neutrality.
‘Madeleine,’ he murmured stiffly as he brushed a kiss on her cheek.
Her heart quaked at that small contact, but she hardened her resolve. ‘Your Highness,’ she muttered back, and felt him stiffen. ‘You should’ve called to tell me you were bringing the doctor. I would’ve told you not to bother.’
He tensed. ‘Excuse me?’
She looked past him to the physician hovering at a respectful distance and pinned her smile in place. ‘I’m not taking the test. We’ll know one way or the other in a week or two anyway.’
‘I’m already being treated like fragile glass by the staff. I’d quite like to live in blissful ignorance for a little longer before I’m wrapped in cotton wool by the whole kingdom. So send the doctor away, Remi. Or I will. And while we’re at it you should know my bags are packed. I’m returning to Playagova with or without your approval. I’m sure everyone’s worked out that this honeymoon is over.’
He stared at her as if she’d grown two heads but she stood her ground.
‘If that’s what you wish—’
‘It is. Thank you.’
The doctor was dispatched in a SUV and Maddie and Remi returned to the helicopter. During the thirty-five-minute flight Remi conducted phone call after phone call, including a particularly terse one.
‘Whatever this is, you need to sort it out, Zak,’ he said in English, before sliding back into Montegovan.
When he hung up his jaw was tense.
‘Is everything all right with Zak?’ she asked before she could stop herself.
‘It’d better be. I have too much on my plate to deal with his issues.’
She shrugged. ‘I only met him for a short time, but he seems capable of handling himself more than adequately.’
For the first time since boarding the helicopter, Remi flicked his gaze to her. It stayed and blazed. Her heart flipped over and her throat clogged with harrowing yearning, only for her to see the blaze cool seconds later.
‘Since you seem to think you’re up to handling your new role, we’ve been invited to my godmother’s residence tomorrow evening. She’s throwing a pre-coronation dinner in my honour.’
Nerves made her breath catch, but she swallowed them down. ‘I... Of course.’
He nodded briskly as the helicopter landed. He alighted first, then turned to help her down the shallow steps. Again her breath caught, and this time when his gaze locked on hers she witnessed a reel of emotion in his eyes. Savage lust. Bleakness. Censure. Regret. All before the brick wall slammed down, shutting her out.
Numbness descended on Maddie, keeping her mercifully insulated as they entered the palace and were greeted by the exuberant sta
ff. She forced herself to smile her way through accepting several bouquets of flowers from their children.
Even Queen Isadora approached as Maddie turned to head to her suite. ‘Welcome home, ma petite. You’re just in time to wish me well on my travels.’
Maddie’s eyes widened. ‘You’re leaving?’
Queen Isadora nodded enthusiastically, her eyes shining with almost child-like glee. ‘First stop New Zealand. I’ve always wanted to visit Hobbiton.’
Maddie smiled. ‘I wish you very safe travels.’
‘Thank you,’ Queen Isadora replied. Her gaze flicked to where Remi stood, talking to his aide, and her face grew serious. ‘Things may look bleak and daunting at present, but I’ve discovered that dogged perseverance reaps rich rewards.’
‘I... I’ll bear that in mind.’
The queen nodded, then briskly walked away.
Maddie dropped her head and buried her nose in a bouquet of chrysanthemums and peonies as she mulled over Queen Isadora’s words.