Page 7 of Faster (Bad Boys of Texas 5)
“You know it. At least you aren’t running away like I did. Fuck, wish I were smarter back then. Wasted too much time not going after Laney.” He’s stuck in a memory, and as much as I’d love to rub it in his face that at least I’m running towards my woman, I figure he has enough salt in that wound he’s holding on to to last a lifetime.
“All part of the learning process. Gotta crawl before you walk, man.” I’m going through my mail that’s piled up on the counter, trying to multitask and hopefully get out of here before it’s much too late.
“Still sucks. Alright, brother. Bring your woman back sometime so we can meet her, or you know we’ll make it a family road trip.” I look up. Creed has a grin on his face, letting me know he means business.
“I think we’re gonna work it out to where we both travel for a bit until we figure things out completely. We’re both fortunate that we can work remotely most times, at least when she’s not at the restaurant and when I’m not needed at the farm.” Nothing to hide with the way Selena and are planning our future together. Hell his wife, my sister, knows already, and so do our parents.
“That’ll do. We’ll miss seeing your ugly mug around here,” he jokes, causing me to laugh.
“I think Laney is rubbing off on you,” I reply, finishing up. My laundry is done, my bags are by the front door, and as soon as this conversation is over, I’m leaving.
“All night long.” Christ, I walked right fucking into that.
“And that about does it. I’m fucking out of here.” It was a good comeback and shit we’ve been doing since we were kids, but I draw the line when it comes to my sister. That’s plain nasty.
“Payback’s a bitch, huh?”
“You could say that, but gross, man, gross.” I give him a hug, we say our goodbyes, and then I’m on my way to get Selena back where she belongs, in my arms.
I’m woken up by the pounding on my door once again. The time on the clock I keep in my room—which is also the only thing that will wake me up when I have an early class—tells me I have been asleep for less than an hour.
“I’m coming, I’m coming.” I get a sense of déjà vu as I make my way to the door. I get to my toes, look at the peephole and see Rhett.
“Damn it, woman,” Rhett laments as I open the door for him.
“What? You’re the one here close to midnight. You could have called,” I groan. I’m wearing one of his shirts he left on the weekend and nothing else.
“Tried that, baby. You sleep like the dead.” It’s then I see a bag by his feet, laptop bag hanging off his shoulder.
“Are you here for a while? Like really here?” The excitement overtakes me, and I’m ready to bounce him.
“Yeah, Lena. I am.” He wipes his hand down his face. I notice the tiredness as he does it.
“Well, then, I guess it’s time for me to get you a key.” A smile comes over me as I watch Rhett’s face turn from one of exhaustion to sheer happiness.
“I’d like that. I wasn’t going to stay away from you if I didn’t have to. I figured you’d just be getting in when I got here. Sorry I’m waking you up again, baby.” He grabs his bag off the ground and stalks towards me. I back up. His foot closes the door, bags are dropped to the ground, he locks the door, then his hands find my neck. My back meets the wall, and Rhett’s body is surrounding me. He feels like coming home after being gone for years.
“Rhett,” I breathe against his lips. Our lips are touching, but we’re not kissing yet. His nose slides along the length of mine, causing my breath to leave me.
“Going to take my time with you tonight. I’m going to show you just what you mean to me.” I hear the desperation in his voice, the want, the need, the desire. All of those things added together have me ready to climb on top of him and give him every piece of my heart and soul.
“Please.” I already know I’m falling fast, so much faster than most people do. The difference, though, is that Rhett and I aren’t like others. We took our time in the beginning, talking, flirting, touching in passing when he was in town. That’s why when Rhett said he was done pussyfooting around, my words not his, I was more than ready for us to be, well, an us.
“You’ve got me, Lena, all of me.” He breathes out the words. Our eyes are locked as I nod my head, letting Rhett know that what he just said means everything to me.