Page 6 of Faster (Bad Boys of Texas 5)
“I know, and what a fine pole it is.” That’s how I leave them. From that statement alone, Raven’s dancing, thrusting her hips like a freaking weirdo, and my mom is clapping. To be honest, she’s probably planning her imaginary grandchildren’s names, let alone a wedding.
I head behind the bar, get started with the shit I’ll need for the night, and when that’s done, I head to the hostess stand to see who’s on the schedule. “Great,” I grumble out loud to no one in particular.
“What’s wrong, baby girl?” I look up, shocked that my dad is standing in front of me, and I’m not sure if I’ll make a recovery in time so he won’t see that I’m dreading working with William and Kate tonight after they go home.
“Nothing that I can’t handle. I thought Momma was only coming in today?” I try to sidestep the conversation, but I can see he’s not going to let it go.
“You going to tell me what has you in a bluster, or am I going to have to pester it out of you? And your mom wanted me to try some new recipe she came up with. I’m always here for a meal.” My dad is aging gracefully, has what every girl now calls a “dad bod,” and there’s more gray hair than there used to be, that’s for darn sure.
“Really, it’s okay. Nothing that can’t wait until the employee meeting that’s coming up.” I shrug my shoulders because it can wait, and I’ll just have to take my break while my parents are here. William and Kate are famous for not taking care of the bar if I need to step away.
“Hmm, we’ll see. That reminds me, I need you to post everywhere that we’re looking for new hires.” This is news to me, but maybe a couple of the younger kids who work here couldn’t hang along with keeping their grades up.
“Not a problem. If you and Momma are going to be here for a bit, I’ll get to working on a few things in the back, is that okay?” I ask. I’m not really in the mood to stay late tonight like I usually do.
“Go on. I think your mom and I may stay later tonight.” He arches one eyebrow. Both of his hands are folded over his chest. I guess this is his way of not pestering me to death.
“Okay.” I nod, lean towards him, kiss his cheek, and then I’m heading to the office. Something tells me William and Kate will be on their best behavior tonight. What they don’t know is my parents can read between the lines and will see their bullshit from a million miles away.
I’d like to say I met with Laney, we discussed things, and I got back on the road to Lena. That’s not how things worked out. I had laundry that was stacking up, a few things to wrap up for work in the office, for this sense of ease, and my parents to talk to. It doesn’t matter that we all have a stake in the family business, something both my parents took care of after Dad had his stroke and we weren’t sure how his recovery would go. I remember it vividly. Both of them were in my parents’ room, where Dad was confined to a hospital bed, my mother never leaving his side, when she looked at all of us and told us it was time for the Spencer family to diversify, and that meant bringing Laney and me into the family business as partners instead of employees. It still doesn’t mean that I’ll go off without letting them know what my new plan of action is. Though, the stars in my mom’s eyes were all the approval I needed. Dad, on the other hand, wanted everything laid out. I didn’t blame him one bit. Then he slapped my shoulder and said he was proud of me, that being the end of it.
That’s why I’m not going to be getting to Lena’s place till close to midnight and praying like hell she’ll be home from the restaurant by the time I get there. Sure, I could have just come up tomorrow, but the chance to have her head on my chest as she sleeps, those legs of hers tangled with mine, it makes me want that and so much more.
“You leaving?” Creed walks into my house, a shit-eating grin on his face. Fucker. I’d like to say that I had a hand in getting my best friend and baby sister together even if they don’t agree.
“Yep. You got things around here in case there’s an emergency? I’ll only be two hours away, but in that time, a lot of shit could go down.” Creed isn’t that interested in the horse side of things, but Laney is, and he pulls his weight whenever it’s necessary and he’s not out working the poles in the power industry.