Page 13 of Father and Son (Forbidden Fantasies 28)
“It’s worth it.”
I blush as he gazes at me with serious eyes, but then he changes the subject.
“So, how was class yesterday? I know you mentioned you had a big test.”
I nod happily. “I think I did really well actually. It was for my developmental psychology class, and I like that course a lot so that helps.”
“I’m glad to hear,” Braden nods. “It’s important to enjoy what you do, or you’ll be miserable at work, and it’ll be impossible to succeed. After all, how can you devote yourself to something you hate?”
I cock my head at him, pausing for a moment.
“Do you enjoy being a real estate agent?”
Braden’s eyes flash as he smiles. “I do. It gives me the chance to see a ton of amazing places around the city, and I’m a great salesman. But like I mentioned, I own the brokerage now, so I’ve pulled back a bit from the agent side of things. Now, I’m management.”
I smile while taking another bite of my sandwich.
“And how is that?”
He shrugs a bit ruefully.
“It’s okay. There are a lot of administrative duties, not to mention HR. That kind of sucks, but at the same time, my business is built on the people who work for me, so I don’t have a choice.”
I nod.
“It must be difficult, running your own shop.”
He nods.
“It is, because I feel responsible for a lot of things. Not just my livelihood, but also those of my employees too. But you’re going to be successful too, honey. Just give your career some time.”
I sigh, putting my sandwich down. “I hope so. Sometimes it’s hard and I lose sight of the light at the end of the tunnel. But I think I can make it as a therapist if I stick with my schooling. It just feels interminable at times, you know?”
Braden strokes my knee gently, as shocks go straight to my secret spot. “You can’t give up, Sarah. The world needs people like you who really care. There are very few women like you, Sarah, and I feel lucky that we met.”
His words touch me to the heart, and I melt inside. Who knew a client could make me feel like this? The afternoon continues to pass companionably as we chat and eat. Everything is amazing, but suddenly, I’m struck by the sudden thought that I wish Grant were here, too. How crazy is that? After all, I’m on a date with Braden right now, and he’s incredibly gorgeous. Yet, I can’t help but thinking it would be even more amazing if I had both men here with me at once. OMG, I’m going insane.
Suddenly, a dog runs up. He’s a cute one, probably a mutt with brown fur and a big wet nose. He nudges my elbow and pants happily, his ears flapping.
“Hey!” I exclaim. “What’s this?”
I stroke his fur, looking up to find his owner, and to my shock, Grant’s standing not thirty feet away. OMG, OMG. What do I do now? How can this be happening? Clients shouldn’t be meeting each other, but now Braden and Grant are on a collision course.
But to my surprise, Braden looks up to and squints as he sees Grant across the way.
“Hey Dad,” he says casually. “What’s up? Fancy meeting you here at Central Park.”
Dad? My heart almost beats out of my chest as my face flushes and my cheeks go hot. Holy hell, Grant is Braden’s dad? I’ve been sleeping with two men, who are also father and son? My head spins, and suddenly, I feel like I’m going to faint.
My dog, Daisy, wags her tail and snuffles up to Sarah, greeting the curvy girl. It’s not crazy because Daisy’s really friendly and has no fear of strangers. She loves going out on walks, and since it’s the weekend, I’m taking her myself instead of the dog-walker. But now, things have taken a left turn.
“Sarah?” I ask, my eyes sliding between her and my stepson. “Fancy meeting you here.”
She looks gorgeous in a blue sundress, but it’s obvious she’s about to faint.
“Grant,” she says in a choked voice. “Um, hi. So this is Braden. You guys know each other?”
I squint at my stepson.
“Yeah, we do,” I say. “I’m Braden’s stepfather. Well, his ex-stepfather to be precise. I used to be married to Braden’s mom, but we divorced years ago.”
My stepson nods, his black hair glinting in the light.
“Yeah, but you know my mom. Mira’s favorite hobby is marrying and then divorcing men left and right. Hell, I don’t even know if she’s married or divorced right now.”
I laugh, a little ruefully. “Yeah, I think I was her fourth husband. She might be up to her seventh or eighth now.”
My stepson and I share a look, both laughing mirthlessly. After all, he was in high school when I married his mother, and the two of us got along fine. We didn’t interact much because he was at boarding school, but it worked and there were never any hard feelings between us. Even after the marriage fell apart after a year or so, we stayed in touch. Now, my stepson must be about twenty-five or so, and I haven’t seen him around much since he founded True North. We’re in the same industry, but I hear his firm is doing well.