Page 12 of Father and Son (Forbidden Fantasies 28)
Of course, a part of me feels slightly guilty because I’m sleeping with two men at once. I never thought I would be “that girl,” but sure enough I am. It feels deliciously dirty, even though psychologically, I’m still battling myself. But I push the guilt from my mind. This is just how the job works, and I can’t ruminate incessantly about things outside of my control. Again, this is what I do for a living now, and I just have to deal with it.
But today, Braden’s booked me for a third date and I’m looking forward to it because it’s an afternoon rendezvous, instead of our usual night-time shenanigans. The weather outside is gorgeous, so I’m wearing a modest blue sundress with a lace hem and flat espadrilles. Braden didn’t tell me what our date is, he just said I don’t need to do anything too fancy. But I still want to look nice, so I think the sundress is a good choice.
Smiling, I hop out of my Uber at Columbus Circle and head over to the entrance to Central Park where the gold statue stands. I wonder what Braden’s up to? Immediately I catch sight of the handsome man and he looks amazing in casual jeans and a gray t-shirt that emphasizes that broad, muscular form. Even more surprising, he’s got a picnic basket over one arm, along with a heavy duty blanket.
“Hey sweetheart,” he says, greeting me with a kiss on the cheek. “How are you?”
I smile into those clear blue eyes.
“I’m good, but what’s all this?” I ask, gesturing to the basket.
He grins.
“I thought we’d have a picnic in the park today, since it’s beautiful out.”
I giggle. “Did you pack us lunch?”
Braden chuckles. “Well, no, not exactly. I might have ordered it from Café Boulud because I can hardly slap together a sandwich. But it’s the thought that counts.”
With that, I link my arm through his and we begin walking into the park to find the perfect place to park ourselves. The trees tower over us, sending dappled sunlight through the leaves, and I sigh happily. It’s so sweet that Braden wanted to do this, and I love the idea of an outdoor meal.
“So even sandwiches are too much?” I ask teasingly. “How do you survive if you can’t make a sandwich?”
Braden grins at me, flashing even white teeth. “Okay, maybe I’m not that bad, but I’m not great at the stove definitely,” Braden says as we stroll through the park. “I had a personal chef a while back because it was convenient, and because they were amazing at making all my favorite foods. That was a treat.”
“Oh, wow,” I marvel. “Do you still have someone cook for you?”
He shakes his head. “I’m not home enough to justify it, to be honest. Business takes me on a lot of work lunches and dinners, not to mention work breakfasts. Those kind of suck, but it’s just part of my job.”
I squeeze his elbow.
“Yeah I get it. But I love to cook, to be honest. I find it relaxing to be in the kitchen.”
He grins.
“See, I get my relaxation by working out. That’s why I hate business breakfasts. Usually, I hit the gym in the morning, so those breakfasts force me to get up even earlier to work up a solid sweat.”
I laugh. “Well, I’m sure it won’t hurt to miss a day or two. You’re in amazing shape,” I whisper, squeezing his arm again.
Braden shoots me a steamy look.
“Like what you see, huh?” he growls.
I titter. “Very much so.”
With that we come upon a small, shaded area next to a beautiful stone bridge.
“This looks perfect,” Braden says, surveying the site. “It’s quiet and pretty private actually. We won’t have to worry about a ton of foot traffic going by.”
“It looks great,” I say approvingly. “Very secluded and beautiful.”
My man sets down the picnic basket before spreading out the blanket, and then invites me to sit.
“I hope you’re hungry,” he growls, “because the restaurant packed a lot of food.”
I smile, laughing. “I’m starving, and I always love eating.”
Braden hands me a roast beef sandwich with arugula before setting out a containers of beet salad, cucumber salad, roast potatoes, fingerling fries, mac and cheese, as well as an entire loaf of bread.
“Wow, this is a feast!” I exclaim. Braden grins at me, helping himself to a huge pastrami sandwich.
“Only the best for my girl.”
His words make me feel special in a way that they shouldn’t, and I remind myself to keep my head on straight. But why not enjoy myself while I’m at it? I take a bite out of the sandwich and moan as meat juices squirt all over my tongue. “Mmm, that’s incredible.”
Braden laughs. “I’m glad you like it because Boulud is my favorite. They never disappoint.”
I smile. “You spoil me with all this delectable food.”