Page 27 of Forgiven but Not Forgotten?
‘Theos, Siena…’ Andreas rasped. ‘You were a virgin. Why didn’t you tell me?’
She looked at Andreas and paled when she saw the look on his face, relieved to see that he’d pulled on his trousers. She couldn’t handle him naked. Desperate to convince him it meant nothing, so that she could consider what it did mean in a private space on her own, she shrugged. ‘It’s no big deal. I was a virgin and now I’m not.’
Andreas’s mouth twisted. ‘So your father really was going to offer you up to a crusty blue-blooded relic like some virginal sacrifice?’
Siena’s chest tightened. That was exactly what he’d planned. ‘Yes,’ she whispered, her bravado slipping. ‘Something like that.’
Andreas cursed and Siena tried to avoid looking at his bare chest. It reminded her of how it had felt, crushed against her breasts.
‘You should have told me, Siena…’ he grated. ‘If I’d even suspected you were innocent I’d have gone slower…been more gentle.’
‘I’m fine,’ Siena muttered, picking up her shoes, still avoiding looking at Andreas.
The air around them smelled of something unfamiliar but heady. Sex. Siena was too overwhelmed even to acknowledge that after the initial pain it had transcended anything she might have imagined.
She saw Andreas’s bare feet come into her line of vision and gulped. As his finger tipped up her chin her eyes moved up and took in the fact that his top button was open, revealing that tantalising line of hair which led down— Her gaze landed on his face.
She felt the urge to strike first and said, ‘Don’t look so shocked just because I was a virgin, Andreas.’
He was angry, eyes blazing now. ‘If I’d known I would never have taken you like that…’
‘Why?’ she taunted. ‘It’s exactly how you wanted to take me before—I didn’t want to deny you the chance to fulfil your fantasy.’
Siena heard the words but wasn’t really sure where on earth the nerve to say them was coming from. She saw Andreas’s face turn expressionless, shuttered. He took his hand away and stepped back, making Siena feel bereft.
‘You should have a bath. You’re likely to be sore.’
Siena was a lot more intimidated by this cool specimen than the anger Andreas had just displayed. The idea that he might have cared enough about her innocence to make it a more pleasurable experience was…
Before she could say anything else that might betray her, Siena fled.
Andreas watched Siena retreat and cursed silen
tly. He’d expected that after making love to her, finally, he would be feeling a whole lot more sated and at peace. It was laughable. He’d never felt less sated and at peace. He wanted her again—now. Wanted to taste that lush, mutinous mouth, to make her eyes widen with desire again. Wanted to watch her tumble over the edge and feel her body clamp around his with those spasms of orgasm.
Andreas ran a hand through his hair impatiently and then bent to pick up the rest of his own clothes. Under the stinging hot needles of his shower a few minutes later he cursed again, volubly. He certainly hadn’t intended on mauling Siena in the back of his car, but by the time they’d been pulling up outside his apartment and he’d realised what he was doing he’d had her panties in his hand, ready to take her there and then in the back seat.
From some distant area of his brain he’d managed to find something to mutter to make it sound as if he’d fully intended divesting her of her underwear so that they could continue where they left off as soon as as they were in a private space. Outside the car, though, she’d all but spat at him—and could he blame her? He’d never been so unrestrained with a woman.
He should have remembered that evening in Paris. Remembered how she was capable of making him lose all sense of civility. But when they’d danced in that hotel… Andreas had been sorely tempted to drag her into the lobby, demand a suite and take her upstairs right there. It was little wonder he’d been unable to resist touching her in the back of the car… she’d been melting into him like his hottest fantasy and he’d been lost.
Andreas switched off his shower with a curt flick of his wrist. Siena had been a virgin. He looked at himself in the mirror and saw how fiercely his eyes glittered.
It was the one thing he had not expected in a million years. A lot of his bitterness about what had happened in Paris had centered around the belief that Siena had knowingly seduced him because she was bored…and experienced. But she’d been a virgin. And what virgin got hot and heavy with a hotel duty manager? He knew damn well that if they hadn’t been interrupted he would have discovered her innocence that night.
He recalled her pale face when she’d bumped into him the following morning. The way she’d looked when he’d told her how he should have taken her up against the wall of the dressing room. He’d said that because he’d felt like such a fool. Because he’d felt exposed, betrayed. Because he’d believed she was experienced, like all those other scarily worldly-wise debutantes.
The irony of it was Siena had been the real deal. Probably the only one there. And how in hell had she stayed a virgin till now? Andreas wanted to smash something with his fist.
He heard a faint noise from outside his bathroom and hitched a towel around his waist before going out. Siena was standing in the centre of the room, in a voluminous towelling robe, hair damp, and his body reacted instantaneously.
His recent unwelcome revelations made Andreas say curtly, ‘Yes?’
He saw how Siena tensed and it only made him want to snarl more—but not at her. At himself.
‘I just want you to know that it didn’t mean anything…the fact that you were my…first. And you’re right, I should have told you. But I thought…’
Andreas saw her falter and bite her lip for a second. She looked almost unbelievably vulnerable. Then she went on, ‘I thought you wouldn’t notice, I didn’t realise it would be so…obvious.’