Page 26 of Forgiven but Not Forgotten?
Holding her with one arm, he reached down between them and ran his finger along her cleft. She was so wet. It nearly undid him there and then. He spread his legs and positioned himself, taking himself in his hand and guiding the head of his erection to those moist folds of flesh.
Andreas forced himself to curb the desire to thrust so far and so deep he’d find instant release. He was more than that. He wouldn’t let her do this to him. He found her mouth and braced himself, before thrusting up and into the giving wet clasp of her body.
He felt her open-mouthed gasp of surprise before he registered that he’d felt an impediment to his movement. Sweat broke out on his brow. He drew away and looked at Siena, every nerve and muscle protesting at this interruption.
Siena was pale, and the unmistakable light of shock shone in her eyes. Stripped bare of that hazy pleasure he’d seen a moment ago. He flexed his buttocks and saw her wince as he moved a bit deeper. Her arms tightened around his neck. Andreas felt something cold prickle at his neck. It couldn’t be possible… The information simply wouldn’t compute…
He spoke out loud. ‘You can’t be…’
Siena was biting her lip now, and Andreas saw the sheen of moisture in her eyes. It was as if a two-ton lorry had crashed into his chest. He started to withdraw, but as he did he saw that moisture fade and a light of determination come into those glorious eyes.
She tightened her legs around his waist. ‘No.’ Her voice sounded raw. ‘Don’t stop.’
It hurt to breathe, but Andreas managed to get out, ‘I’ll hurt you…if we move—’
‘No.’ Siena’s legs tightened even more. ‘We do this. Here. Now. Just the way you said you wanted to five years ago…’
Andreas’s brain felt as if it would explode. He was caught between heaven and hell. Siena’s musky scent was all around him, her body clasped him, but not in the way he knew it could. He cried out for release.
And there was something so…determined about her. The fact that she was still a virgin was too much to process right now.
Andreas gave in. ‘Try to relax your muscles…it’ll be easier…’
He could see how she concentrated and he felt her body allowing him to go deeper. He all but groaned out loud at the exquisite sensation. She was so tight around him, almost painfully tight.
Moving her slightly, he bent his head and drew one taut nipple into his mouth, rolling it, sucking it back to life. He could feel what it did to Siena when her body relaxed even more, and with an exploratory move Andreas thrust a little higher. She hitched in a breath but he could sense that it wasn’t a breath of pain. It was a breath of awareness.
When he lifted his head to look at her again she was not pale any more. She was flushed, biting her lip again. Slowly he withdrew from her body and then thrust back in, going even deeper this time.
Her hips twitched against his. She was breathing heavily now, saying almost against her will, ‘I feel so full…’
‘I know…just let me…trust me…it’ll ease.’
Andreas was surprised he could string a sentence together. His world was reduced to this moment, this woman, this inexorable slide of his body in and out of hers. His passage was becoming easier and sweeter with every second. Siena’s head fell back against the door and he could see her eyes closing.
Andreas put his hand to her chin and tugged it down. ‘Look at me…Siena.’
She opened her eyes and they were feverish. With a feeling of triumph Andreas felt the ripples of her body around his as the onset of her orgasm approached. Ruthlessly he held his own desperate need for release at bay and pushed her higher and higher, seeing how her eyes widened, her cheeks flushed deep red. Her lips were engorged with blood. Her breasts were flushed, nipples like tight berries.
Somewhere in his head a voice crowed, She’s undone. But it barely broke through Andreas’s single-minded need to drive her over the edge. And when she fell it was spectacular. Her eyes grew even wider. She stopped breathing. Her whole body grew as taut as a string on a bow and then he saw the moment she fell and felt her body clench so tightly around his in waves of spasms that he was helpless except to allow his own release to finally break free.
He could do nothing but close his eyes and bury his head in her breast. Their laboured breathing sounded harsh in the silence of the foyer. His body pulsed within hers minutely. He felt her grip around his neck grow slack as if she couldn’t hold on any more.
Eventually Andreas found some strength from somewhere and straightened. Siena was avoiding his eyes now, and she winced slightly as he pulled free and helped her to stand. Their clothes were strewn around them in chaotic abandon, but she still wore the necklace and bracelet.
Andreas had a sudden visceral need to take the jewellery off Siena. It was a reminder that wasn’t welcome now. He undid the clasp of the necklace, letting it fall heavily into his hand, and then the bracelet. They clinked together with a hollow sound.
* * *
The sound of the jewellery knocking together seemed to resonate deep within Siena. Avoiding looking at Andreas, she bent down to pick up her dress, holding it against her like a very ineffectual shield. Resounding in her head with crystal clarity was the fact that she’d just lost her virginity to this man while standing up, against the door of his apartment.
She could remember the moment when she’d thought he was about to pull away, perhaps to take her into the bedroom. There’d been a look in his eyes that had threatened to shatter something inside her. And then the memory of that dawn morning in Paris, when Andreas had admitted that he’d wanted to take her up against the wall of the dressing room had rushed back.
Siena had seized on it and fought against the pull to make this easier…to be taken to surroundings more conducive for making love for the first time. Because this was not about romance.
She didn’t want to think of the deeply disturbing emotion which had surged the moment he’d joined their bodies. That had made her feel weak and tender.