Page 5 of Dear Killian (Love Letters 1)
Honestly though? I’m glad they haven’t seen the shit Gage and I have. Being here is pretty tame to some of the missions we’ve been on. All we do here is patrol and help the locals. It’s quiet, peaceful. Boring.
And that’s my cue to hit the hay.
Keep it weird.
Yours, Killian.
P.S. I like the kiss ;)
P.P.S. I wouldn’t object to a picture…
Squealing, I lay back on my bed with a flop. I don’t know what it is about this stranger, but I’m insanely drawn to him. I want to tell him everything, and anything that runs across my mind.
He wants to meet me. He wants my picture. “Oh. My. God!” I laugh again.
He sounds so real, and genuine. Killian is most definitely someone I could get to know better. In fact, I think it’s the first time in my life I feel anything for a man. I shouldn’t feel such a connection to someone I’ve never met, but I can’t help it. He calls to me like a song.
We’re two peas of the same pod.
Or that’s what my lonely mind tells me.
A knock on my door distracts me from writing him back immediately, like I normally would. Placing his letter in the small box on my table I have just for him, I walk to the door with a pout on my face.
Looking through the peep hole I see it’s my neighbor, Neil. Trying to hide the annoyance on my face as I open it, I greet him, “Hey, Neil. How can I help you?” It’s a moot question, he doesn’t want anything other than to bug me.
He does this a few times a week. Comes over for no reason, makes small talk and asks me out. I’ve never led him on, but he doesn’t seem to want to take no for an answer either. We’re at this point where I need him to leave me alone now.
His lecherous glance up my body makes me want to vomit. “I was wondering what you’re doing for dinner?”
My eye roll is only in my mind as I tell him, “I’ve got plans tonight. Sorry.” I give him a false smile. I’m not completely lying, I do have plans. To write my letter back to Killian.
“Oh,” he looks crest fallen, “Another time then.” Before I can dispute and tell him once again, there will be no other time, he’s gone.
Closing the door, I’m quick to lock it and make my way to the table to write back to Killian. Neil completely forgotten.
Chapter Five
The rapport of gun fire could be heard throughout our camp as rebels continue to fight back against the corrupt government. Dead bodies had littered our entire patrol as we scanned for survivors in the villages and on the side of the road.
It was an emotionally draining day. The younger men had finally seen what Gage and I had been trying to tell them since we landed eight months ago. The desert was a brutal killer, whether by gun fire, or the elements was the only question.
Sitting down at my desk to sign off on the action report Gage had handed me I see a package on my desk, and for the first time I don’t smile thinking of reading her sweet words. I actually dread tainting her letter with my morose mood. Shoving the box under my desk, I leave it for now. Waiting for when the smoke has cleared from my mind.
“Captain St. James?” One of the Privates calls from the open doorway.
“Come in,” I tell him. He stands at attention in front of my desk, and no matter how hard he tries to mask the pain I see in his eyes, he fails. This is the privates first tour, and the last twenty-four hours has played with his mind. “At ease Soldier,” I tell him.
He visibly relaxes and sits in the chair beside him. He’s quiet, looking down at his hands. Fidgeting in his seat and I know he’s trying to process what he’s seen.
“I,” he has to stop and clear his throat. Gage walks in quietly behind him with a water bottle, “I wasn’t prepared,” he says, as he’s handed the water.
“No one ever is,” Gage comments, while sitting on the corner of my desk closest to the private.
“Is it always like this?” He asks, and I’m taken back through all of my tours. The blood and violence, and the boring endless days.
“Not always no. But no matter where they send you, it will always be in hostile territory and a possibility. This, what happened today, was unavoidable.” I watch as he nods at my words.