Page 4 of Dear Killian (Love Letters 1)
I can tell you a few things I suppose. I’m twenty-three, I have a penchant for Cookie Dough ice cream, binge watching the corniest movies I can find on Netflix and I’m proud to say I have not turned into some scary cat lady just because I’ve never had a boyfriend.
To be honest I don’t like cats. They’re dirty, and smelly, and they claw everything! What if they got my shoes? I’d cry so hard.
Did I mention I have a shoe fetish? Not in the creepy stalker “I wanna lick your feet” kind of way. More along the lines of “oh my gosh they’re so pretty, I must own them” kind of way. I guess that’s not much better, huh?
I’ve never really paid much attention to the stars, I think I might have to now. You didn’t sound lonely, you sound like a man who knows what he likes. It’s endearing.
I feel like my kids might have you beat in weirdness. Your men would have us beat in stupidity though. I don’t know what it is, men seem to get dumber as they age
(No offense).
Soooooo where’s home for you? Do you have family waiting for you? What do you do over there when you’re not patrolling? Where is there? Are you allowed to tell me?
Wow that was a lot of questions.
peace out and stay safe.
P.S. Sorry for the weird.
Christ this woman, two letters and I felt like we’d known each other forever. Her humor is sucking me in like a tornado. I should be worried, but I’m not. I already know what I’m going to do when I get back home.
Reading the letter again, I notice something at her signature I hadn’t before.
Light pink or red.
She fucking kissed me.
Yeah, this girl, I’m gonna like her.
I settle in with a fresh piece of paper and pen and begin writing again. Ignoring the ruckus coming from outside when the fools should be trying to get some shut eye. Morons.
Chapter Four
Sweet J,
I have some names I’ve thought up… Tell me if I get one right will ya?
Janice, Jesse, James, Jiji, Jezebel, Jackie, Jorja, Juniper, Jupiter! That last one just came to me, it’d be pretty cool.
So am I close? Probably not. You’ll tell me. I know you will.
Twenty-three huh? Still a young buck. What do you do for fun? Any boyfriends I should be worried will be jealous we’re talking? I’m partial to corny movies too, no matter how many times you shout “Don’t run up the stairs” they always do. Haha. Can’t say I understand the shoe fetish though. I might have to see this for myself one day.
Home for me is Fort Meade, I haven’t got any family waiting on me back home, I was orphaned as a child and the Navy was my way off the streets and having purpose. Now don’t freak out but I saw you’re in Odenton. I wouldn’t complain about meeting you. If that’s something you’re interested in.
I should probably be all pounding my chest and acting like a caveman about you calling my gender dumber as we age, but after today I have to agree.
It gets incredibly boring here some days, and today the younger boys in my platoon decided to play a joke on my Lieutenant. Gage is a pretty chill dude, for the most part, but these morons decided to fuck with his stash of homemade cookies from some girl he’s pen paling it with too. He’s tight lipped about her, so I don’t know much. Yet.
He’s attached to them cookies, almost like you and your shoes I’m sure. Well, they took his cookies and replaced them with these mud/shit combination things. I don’t fucking know. But well let’s just say a couple of them will be walking funny for a while.
I had to write them all up, and file a bunch of paperwork before I could read your last letter, and I wish I’d have helped Gage whoop their asses now.