Page 45 of One Choice (Hogan Brothers 2)
Hayes wasn’t one for gossip but having someone to talk to felt good. “It was…everything.”
“So, what happened?”
“His mom was there this morning.”
“Pretty much.” They were quiet for a moment while Hayes processed what she wanted to say next. “She made me feel dirty. Like he was using me.”
“Was he?” Her tone was as skeptical as Hayes felt.
“No. But with the way she looked at me…I don’t know. She didn’t even know my name, and it felt like she already hated me.”
“Maybe she’s a momzilla.”
“A what?”
“You know, one of those moms who think no one’s good enough for her boys and will make your life miserable and trash you every chance she gets.” Just great.
“Levi’s older brother is engaged. He’s never said anything about her being mean to her.”
“It’s his mom, why would he? He probably thinks she’s right and perfect.” Lys sounded bitter.
“Is Brett’s mom like that?” She wondered.
“She’s worse. That woman is a first-rate snotty bitch. I hate her. Thank gawd I won’t have to deal with her past graduation.”
“How come?” Brett’s attention to Allegra from a few days ago briefly entered her mind.
“Brett’s not in love with me any more than I am him. He likes to have me around because I piss his parents off,” she explained.
“And you’re okay with that?”
“I guess. Dad hates jocks, so it works both ways. We’ve never really been boyfriend and girlfriend. We just put on a good front to keep people away. He’s more like a best friend than anything. We’ve known each other for too long to mess that up.”
“Oh.” Hayes didn’t know what to say to that.
“Besides, he’s in love with that sophomore. Allegra something. She’s a real sweetheart. Maybe he’ll be able to open her up a bit.”
“I didn’t know you knew about her.”
Lys smiled at her. “Of course, I know. He watches her anytime she’s in the vicinity. Only he doesn’t know I know so let’s keep that between us because once he realizes it, he’ll go after her, and he can’t, or he could be arrested because she’s a year younger than he thinks she is.”
“She is?”
“Yup, she skipped a grade or something. She’s only fifteen. He’s got a couple years before his big ass can lay any claim on her.” Alyssa’s eyes were alight with amusement.
They spent the rest of the ride in quiet as Hayes thought about everything Alyssa had said about Levi’s mom being a momzilla. She had spoken with him about the woman a few times, and Hayes never got the feeling that she was like that. Everything Levi had said about her was centered around how much she loved her community, her boys, and her husband. How excited she was that his older brother, Lennox, was finally settling down and maybe giving her grandkids soon.
“You have free period tomorrow morning, right?” she asked Lys as they parked in front of her house.
“Sure do! I get to sleep in.”
“Will you take me to his shop?”
“Seriously?” Hayes nodded. “Fine. But why?”
“I don’t know. Just feel like I have to.”