Page 44 of One Choice (Hogan Brothers 2)
With hands on his hips, he had to count backwards from ten, so he didn’t blow up. “Ma,” he warned, “Hayes is an adult. In more ways than you could understand.”
“Is she even out of high school?”
He had to remember that he’d reacted nearly the same way when they first met. “She graduates in a couple weeks.”
“Ma.” His voice held a warning. Hayes was his, there was nothing and no one that could change his mind on that.
“What am I supposed to think, son? She’s in high school. You’re a grown man.” He understood the struggle she was having. “She can’t possibly be mature enough for anything serious, and she’s too young for you to screw around with like that.”
“You don’t know her like I do, Ma, so I’m going to let that go. But Hayes isn’t going anywhere.”
Before he could say more, his girl walked into the kitchen.
“Sorry,” she muttered, not meeting anyone’s gaze. “Lys will be here in a few minutes. I’ll let you two talk.” She wouldn’t even come in the fucking room, and that angered him.
“Hayes.” His voice was commanding as she looked up at him, and what he saw in her gaze broke his damn heart. Walking over to her, his hands moved straight to her dishevelled hair, pulling her body into his as he took her mouth in a sweet kiss.
He could feel the struggle she was going through with accepting his affections in front of the woman who kept insisting she was a child. Nipping her bottom lip, she finally melted into his embrace, and her hands settled on his chest, flexing as he deepened the kiss.
Pulling back, both out of breath, he whispered to her, “I’ll be at your house at four.” She looked torn. “I’ll be there, Hayes, and so help me if you aren’t. I’ll hunt your sweet ass down.”
“Okay.” She turned to walk away at the sound of a horn out front, but manners insisted she say goodbye to the other woman in the room. “It was nice to meet you, Mrs. Hogan.” She was gone before his mother could reply.
Shifting towards her, he raised a brow as she watched Hayes leave his home. “Dammit,” she muttered, “I’m sorry, sweetheart.”
“I know, Ma.”
“It’s just after everything your brother and Sophia went through, I worry about you boys. More about you than anyone else.”
“Why more me?” He had a feeling he knew exactly why.
“You’re so secretive lately. You’re hardly ever around, and when you are, you’re covered in cuts and bruises.” She paused. “I just don’t know what to think anymore.”
Striding over to her, he pulled her into his arms and assured her. “I’ll tell soon, Ma. I promise. I haven’t been ready to, but I think I’m almost there.”
“Because of Hayes?”
Taking a deep breath, she backed away. “I’d like to meet her over again. Do it right this time, and not be one of those evil mothers. Will you bring her by for dinner this week?”
“I’d really like that.” Kissing his mother’s cheek, she forced him to eat the breakfast he hadn’t realized she made, and then she was gone. Leaving him to get to the gym for an intense workout with Casper before heading to Hayes.
As soon as Hayes headed downstairs, she regretted it. She didn’t want to hear his mother convince him they couldn’t be together. Seeing the disdain on the woman’s face when she’d entered the kitchen was hard to deal with. Especially after the night she and Levi had spent together.
“You alright, Hayes?” Lys asked from the driver’s side of her car. She hadn’t told her friend why she needed a ride just that it was an emergency.
“Yeah, great.” It was a lie.
“Liar.” Her head turned to look at Lys. “I know you well enough to tell that you’ve done something, and either you regret it or you were hurt.”
“I don’t regret it,” Hayes admitted quietly. She could never regret being with Levi. It was everything she’d wanted it to be and more. He was attentive and possessive. He made her feel on top of the world.
“You had sex with him, didn’t you?” Lys’s question had her squirming in her seat. “You slut! I knew you were going to last night. That man is hot for you!” Lys continued squealing. “Was it good?”