Page 9 of One Chance (Hogan Brothers 1)
Her eyes skittered to his, so many emotions swirled in their lightness. “I don’t know,” she finally whispered, stepping back.
“Who the hell are you?” the man he’d punched snapped out.
“Who am I?” Nox scoffed. “Who the fuck are you? And why the fuck are you in my woman’s house?”
“Your woman?” The man latched on to his inference.
No point in backing out now. “Yeah. Mine. Now, who are you?”
Nox looked between the pair for so long he didn’t think anyone was going to answer him.
“I was hired to protect Sophia,” the bodyguard replied.
Not fond of the other man saying her name, Nox decided to question the first part of his statement. “Protect?”
“Someone’s been threatening my father. Braxton was hired to shadow me,” Soph answered when the other man wouldn’t.
“Braxton?” he questioned her. Her cheeks flamed pink, and he had to kiss her again. Stalking towards her, she back-stepped away from him. Lucky for him, his legs were longer, and he reached her before she could run.
His arms bracketed her shoulders as he leaned into her slowly, giving her time to pull away or tell him to stop. Shockingly, she licked her lips, and when he looked into her eyes, he saw the need reflected back at him.
“Fuck yeah,” he murmured as he descended on her.
She tasted like cherries. Sweet as he entered, tart as he explored. Her lips opened willingly when he nipped her lower lip lightly. Her hands shot to his chest, rubbing gently as he devoured her light moans. Deepening the kiss, his body pressed hers as close to the wall as he could manage without burying himself inside of her. When he finally got that chance, it wouldn’t be in the middle of a hall with an audience. It would be in his bed with her screaming his name until her voice was hoarse.
A clearing throat had him slowly pulling away from her tasty lips. He could kiss her for hours and never get bored.
“You two done yet?” Braxton asked, impatience evident in his voice.
Lennox’s eyes never left Sophia’s as he pulled away. The embarrassment reflecting back at him had him snapping, “What?”, at the man behind him.
“Why are you here? And who the fuck are you?”
Were they in a fucking merry-go-round or what? Knowing he had to curb his desire to flatten the man in order to get the information he wanted about why Soph needed a bodyguard, he hissed out, “Lennox Hogan. I’m obviously here for Sophia.”
Finally turning, he saw the fist-sized bruise forming
on Braxton’s face and smirked. Knowing he’d taken the man off guard left Nox insanely satisfied. “I’ve answered your question, now tell me what the fuck is going on that she needs a bodyguard.”
“Braxton, could you excuse us, please,” Soph asked quietly from behind him.
Hearing Lennox scream her name a few minutes after the doorbell rang had been shocking. Her mother had warned her away from the man, and she found it hard to believe he was there for her. Yet, he was. The way he’d sunk his entire body against hers, devoured her untried mouth, proved it. It was almost too much to believe. After all the griping her mother had been doing the day before, she made it seem like she and Lennox were an item. That he was hers.
She was so conflicted.
Which had Sophia blurting out, “My mother’s not here,” before she could think it through. She wanted to smack her own head.
The narrowing of her visitor’s eyes showcased the storm brewing in his mind.
“Did it just feel like I was here for that cold-hearted wench to you?” The anger in his voice made her wish she could escape. She didn’t do well with confrontation.
Should have kept your mouth shut then.
“I’m sorry,” she whispered to him.
Ignoring her apology, he went straight to the heart of her problems. “What’s going on, Sophia? Ma never mentioned you were in danger.”