Page 8 of One Chance (Hogan Brothers 1)
Just fucking great.
He was tied up in knots over how she would accept his claim. Never before had he felt so unsure as he did right then.
As he pulled up to the mansion she lived in with her parents, he was shocked at just how massive it was. He wasn’t poor by any means and hadn’t grown up lacking for anything, however, being faced with the luxury she was used to was a kick to the nuts. If he couldn’t give her everything she was used to, would she push him away? He wouldn’t let her, of course. Come hell or high water she would be his. He would make them work.
Thankfully, no gates were denying him entry onto the estate. All seemed quiet as he parked under the porte-cochère at the front of the house. He was sure someone would have heard the rumble of his engine and was shocked Rebecca hadn’t come running out.
Walking up the steps to her door, he noticed the grease stains on his hands as he went to ring the bell. Probably should have cleaned up a bit first.
Shrugging his shoulders, he rang the doorbell as an image of him dirtying Sophia up with those same hands entered his mind. To see her polished self abandon her roots, to let him sully her pristine image, had his cock growing at lightning speed.
Shit. He had to get himself under control. Thinking hockey stats, he hoped it would help before anyone answered. “Can I help you?” The door. Shit.
“I’m looking for, Soph,” he told the older man. He was dressed like a butler maybe? Did people still have butlers?
“Soph?” he questioned.
Is he for real?
“Sophia,” Nox clarified.
“Ahh, the young Miss Bennett. She’s not taking visitors.” The man’s indifference bothered him. He just wasn’t sure why.
“Not taking visitors,” he asked. “She doesn’t even know I’m here.”
“I assure you, no visitors.”
He’d had enough of the man. “Sophia!” he yelled into the house, hoping she’d hear him wherever she happened to be.
Another man came into view. He looked as though he belonged in the house as much as Lennox did. Tall, around his own age of twenty-seven, Nox figured he had to be security. No way anyone living in the house had tattoos like the hardened man.
“Can I help you?” he asked after eyeing Nox up and down.
“Where’s Soph?” he asked a-fucking-gain.
The two men said a couple words quietly to each other before the maybe butler left the room. He wasn’t even paying attention anymore because he could hear soft steps coming closer and knew it was his girl. No way would her mother walk around barefoot.
As Sophia came around the corner at the top of the stairs, eyes wide and frightened, he forgot any manners his mother had instilled in him and booked it up the stairs faster than the might be security guy could catch him.
A small smile lit her face as he reached her, but the fear was still there. His hands immediately went to her curvy hips.
Fuck do they feel good in my hands.
“Soph,” he sighed just before his lips landed on hers in a light kiss. He couldn’t help it. They were soft, pliable, and willing.
The spark he felt down to his soul cemented everything he’d been feeling the past twenty-four hours. She was his, and he was hers.
“Lennox,” she sighed happily as he pulled away.
Before he could respond, a hand landed on his shoulder, spinning him around. He came up swinging more out of reflex than assessing any real threat. As his fist connected with the might be security guy’s jaw, a shocked gasp left Sophia’s tender lips.
“Dude!” the other man called, shocked by Nox’s response.
“Don’t fucking grab a guy, dude,” he snarled back. He had no idea who the fucker was or why they weren’t allowing him to see his girl.
Ignoring the interloper again, he looked to Sophia whose eyes were wide in shock. “What’s going on, Soph?” he demanded.