Page 64 of His Secret Sin
Not after getting this far.
She took a step, holding out her arms, and when she found the wall, she ran her hands down until she felt the banister. Taking it a step at a time, she came back to air. The ticking of the clock let her know she was at the bottom of the staircase, and there was no current risk of breaking her neck during a fall.
“You got this, Belle. You can do this.”
She walked slowly forward until she reached the front door. With her hand finally on the handle she was about to twist it when she heard someone clear their throat.
It wasn’t Diego.
“Leaving so soon?” his father asked.
“I’m just admiring this woodwork.”
“You’re a terrible liar.”
She didn’t like having her back to him, and even though she couldn’t see him, she wanted him to know she wasn’t afraid.
In fact, she was really fucking terrified, but she kept her cool, refusing to give in to the fear of his presence alone. If she was afraid now, how would she feel if she saw him?
“I want to go and see my dad.”
“It doesn’t matter what you want. When my son is able, he’ll take you.”
“He’s not the boss of me.”
His father burst out laughing. “Girl, every single woman has a boss. They just don’t realize it yet.”
“No, we don’t.”
“You’re a stubborn one, aren’t you? Can’t see and yet you still think you’ve got power here.”
“You can’t make me do something I don’t want.”
“I could have come up those stairs and pushed you down them. I didn’t. You’re not as weak as I assumed you were.”
“I didn’t ask for Diego to want me,” she said. “I didn’t know the truth.”
“Are you telling me that if you did know what he was capable of, you’d have left him?”
She opened her mouth to confirm it, but no words came out.
His father laughed even harder.
“Well, well, well, the goody little blind girl has gone and fallen in love with the big old bad wolf.”
“Let me go.”
“No. I don’t always agree with my son, but I’m not going to fuck this up for him. I never wanted Angelo to take his place. His first wife was a traitorous whore, and believe me, he paid the price for that. I’m sure you’ve felt the scars on his body. He got away from the men who had hoped to kill him. No one has ever been able to fool my son.”
“You sound proud.”
“I am, but I must test him in all things. I’m going to approach you now. I’m not going to hurt you. I won’t even put you back in your room with the cuffs. I’ll take you back to Diego’s room, where he left you, safe and sound.”
“Why? Why not just kill me?”
Again, he burst out laughing. “You’re the first woman to ever wonder why I’m not going to kill you. Are you wired right?”
“I’m starting to think not.” She hated being vulnerable. What she didn’t want was to be lulled into a false sense of security only to be betrayed.
“How about we stop with the fear of the threats, I take you back to your room, and you stop trying to cause trouble? Diego will take you to your father when you’re ready. He’s still in a coma. It’s not like you’re going to be any help to him. Far from it in fact.”
Without putting up a fight, Belle walked with Diego’s father back to the room, wondering what the hell she was supposed to do.
Chapter Fourteen
It took James several days to come out of the coma. The moment Diego got the notification of James being awake, he went to confirm the news himself. With the potential of Belle being pregnant with his baby Durante had postponed the wedding for a couple of weeks, until they could confirm. During this time, he was working with the other capos and Richard to find Angelo.
His slippery little cousin had gone into hiding, but he had no doubt he’d find him. Angelo liked the attention a little too much, and the moment he thought no one was looking, he’d pop up. After years of dealing with Angelo, Diego was hoping his cousin hadn’t suddenly gone shy.
Entering the hospital room, he saw James laughing with the nurse. The smile vanished the moment he looked toward him.
“I will leave you two alone.”
“Thank you,” James said.
“You look good,” Diego said, closing the door. He pulled a chair up toward the bed, staring at James, looking for any signs of sickness or problems.
“Where’s my daughter, Diego?”
“You remember everything?”
“I remember enough to know that I’ll kick your ass if you keep her from me.”
Diego laughed. “Your daughter has been giving me enough trouble.”
“She didn’t get shot?”
“No. She’s healthy.”
“Where is she? The doctor said she hasn’t come to see me. Are you keeping me from my own little girl?”