Page 63 of His Secret Sin
Pushing her pain aside, she held his arm, walking across the smooth grass. The feel of it beneath her feet helped to relax her.
Diego didn’t speak, and she didn’t try to start an argument. Neither of them needed the added stress, and nothing good could possibly come from arguing.
“After dinner, I’ve got to head out,” he said.
“Where are you going?
“I’ve got to hunt for Angelo. He’s out there, and while he’s a risk, he needs to be taken care of.”
“Angelo? Like the restaurant?”
“Oh, Belle, I own the restaurant where you work.”
“You do?”
“Yes, I’m the boss. It’s why Tanya didn’t have a problem with me sitting next to you.”
“Yeah, oh.”
“So, you own a lot of businesses?”
“I have to.”
“Do you own everything?”
“Not everything.”
“There are actually things you don’t own?”
“Great,” she said. This was just another element of his control.
“Don’t be angry about this.”
“Why should I be angry? I’m finally learning the truth. I don’t always like it, but it’s the truth, nonetheless.” She rubbed at her temples, and her stomach started to growl. “I’m hungry. Can we go and eat?”
Diego picked her back up and carried her back to the house. She wanted to demand he put her down, but she just wanted some food and space. If she was eating, they weren’t talking. Their biggest problem seemed to be the moment they started to talk. When they entered the dining room, Diego let her know that his father and Richard were already sitting down eating.
“Do you really think she should be eating with us?” his father said.
“She’s not a prisoner.”
“Chained up is the best way to deal with her. She will try to escape.”
“She’s not going to escape.”
“I’m not going to stop her if she does. It would serve her right getting run down, and doing us all a favor.”
She jumped as someone slammed their fist down hard on the table. Her heart raced, and she didn’t know what was going on.
“Enough,” Diego said.
“I’ve lost my appetite.”
“I don’t want to cause a problem. I can eat another time,” she said.
“You will both eat, and he will fucking deal with this. You’re not going to be chained up in a room like an animal. You’re a human being.”
“Anyone want to scream tension,” Richard said.
No one else spoke as the table went silent. She ate as much as she could stomach, but with her nerves, that turned out to be very little.
“Do you want me to take you back up to my room?” Diego asked.
“Yes, if that’s okay?”
He helped her out of the dining room and she said her goodnights to the room. No one spoke back, but she didn’t expect them to.
“I don’t want you to get into an argument with your father over me,” she said.
“He thinks he knows what is best. He doesn’t, otherwise he’d still be capo.”
“He loves you.” Diego snorted. “You’re his son.”
“I’m a commodity to him. We’re not people in this world. We’re things to be used as they see fit.”
“I don’t think that’s entirely fair,” she said.
“Then you don’t get it, and you never will.” He pressed a kiss to her lips. “Try to get some rest. I’ll be back as soon as I can.”
Much to her surprise, she heard the door close but not the actual lock flicking into place.
She was free to roam around. He didn’t want her feeling like a caged animal. This was crazy.
Stepping up to the door, she placed her hand on the wood. Slowly, running her fingers across it, she found the door handle and waited as patiently as possible. Diego wouldn’t linger at his home. He had too much work to do in finding his cousin.
Opening the door, she stepped out, closing it as quietly as possible behind her. Heart racing, hands clammy, she knew she was going to fuck this up, but still, she kept on moving. With both of her hands and her chest pressed to the door, she took a side step, then another. Her pace was slow, but she knew she had to change walls because of where the stairs opened up.
Keeping her back to the wall, she reached out her hands and took a couple of steps, finding the other wall. She continued her journey toward the stairs. When her hands finally found the corner of the wall, she took a deep breath.
Freedom was just a couple of steps, and possibly death away. She didn’t know who he would have on watch keeping an eye on her, but she was more than willing to take that chance.
Gripping the banister, she slid her foot across the carpet until she found the edge of the step.
She moved down, and did the same, keeping a death grip on the banister as she did this. Another step down, and she started to gain a little more confidence. By the last step, she ran out of banister and there was nothing but air. Halting her steps, she clenched her hands into fists. She couldn’t turn back now.