Page 40 of The Lone Wolf (Wolf 3)
“Are you going to hold that over my head every time you want something?”
She didn’t blink. “Yes.”
I smiled slightly. “How about a compromise? I’ll do it once in a while—”
“No. You’re quitting here and now. Or I walk.”
I rubbed my fingers across my jawline, the scent of smoke still on my fingertips. This woman could coerce me into doing anything because she had all the power. Just like a tyrant, she knew she could do whatever she wanted—so she did. “Alright.”
“I mean it. If I catch you with a cigar again, I’m gone.”
I just got her back, and I wasn’t losing her again. I opened my top drawer and pulled out the box of cigars sitting there. I pushed them toward her, throwing in the towel for good.
She eyed the eight untouched cigars then looked at me again. “I want your promise, Maverick. You’re a man of your word.”
I gave a slight nod. “Alright…I promise.”
She grabbed the box and tossed it in the garbage.
I felt a slight pain of sadness when I watched them fall to the bottom of the can. Good cigars gone to waste. It was like watching my former life disappear, watching bachelorhood become a memory. All the things I used to love were no longer important anymore. I shed my former life and took on a whole new role.
Wasn’t as scary as it used to be.
She came back to the desk with her hands on her hips, as if she expected me to argue with the law she’d just laid down.
It was a small sacrifice, so I didn’t complain.
She grabbed the dress hanging over the back of the chair and pulled off the plastic cover. Underneath was a pastel blue dress that reminded me of a winter wonderland. With subtle sparkles in the material, it seemed like it was filled with small ice crystals. It was low cut in the front that would be great for her awesome rack, and it flared out along the waist and reached down to her feet. “What do you think?”
“I’m not big on fashion, but I can tell that will look stunning on you.”
She held it up to her frame and smiled. “Thank you.”
With some diamonds around her throat and on her wrist, she would like the perfect queen—and I was her king.
She returned it to the bag to keep it clean and safe. “Is there anything you need me to do to help out?”
“Do you want me to play any music?”
I was certain everyone would expect it, especially in my home. It would be nice to have her sit at a grand piano near the Christmas tree and fill the halls with her beautiful song. Even if she sang a song about her undying love for me, I would hang on to every word. “Only if you want to.”
She smiled. “If it makes you happy, then I want to.”
I wanted to listen to her beautiful voice fill my home all the time. It brought life into this house, chased away the darkness that slowly crept into every crack and corner. Painful memories filled this entire place…but slowly she erased every single one. “I always want you to.”
The sex was better than I remembered.
All my other fuck-a-thons felt hollow and unsatisfying. Sometimes it seemed like I was doing it just to do it…even if I didn’t like it. I didn’t know what else to do with myself. Sometimes I wanted to prove a point…but I had no one to prove it to.
Sex with my wife was the best I’d ever had.
I didn’t want to be a monogamous man hard up for a single woman. I didn’t want the commitment, the mediocre fidelity. But I was happiest with Arwen. I was definitely more satisfied. I could be alone and continue to make a point…but who would care about any of the points I tried to make?
This was where I wanted to be.
This was the woman I wanted to be with.
She crawled on the bed and got on top of me, buck naked with her hair framing her perfect tits. Her eyes sparkled like flecks of gold in the sand as it washed up onshore. She lowered herself on top of me, her soft and warm skin rubbing against mine.
With my back to the headboard, I slid my hand up her gorgeous legs until I gripped her cheeks. I felt the tight muscle under my fingertips as I stared at her firm tits. She was so beautiful that my cock couldn’t stop twitching.
I’d never seen anyone more beautiful in my life.
Why would I want someone else when I could have the more desirable woman on the planet?
Marrying her began as a chore…but it became the best thing that ever happened to me.
Her hands pressed against my chest, and she palmed my muscles, feeling how hard my frame was. She rocked her hips slightly, grinding her wet pussy over my hard length. She was a good lover, letting me take the reins but occasionally taking them herself. She ground a little harder then moaned, getting off on how hard my dick was.