Page 39 of The Lone Wolf (Wolf 3)
My life was finally back to normal.
It felt so good.
I had a long day ahead of me, but I chose to ignore responsibility and stare at her instead. It’d been a long time since she’d been in that bed with me, not counting the night I was drunk out of my mind. I hadn’t been sober enough to really enjoy her presence at the time.
Now I could.
The backs of my fingers brushed up against her skin. Soft like a rose petal and smelling just like a new blossom, she was as beautiful as a porcelain doll. She had the attitude of a mule but the beauty of a goddess. That made her even more appealing to me.
She woke up moments later, her beautiful eyes taking me in with restful laziness. She stared for a couple of seconds before her curved lips spread into a smile. She closed her eyes once more then reached her hand for my side. Slowly, she brushed her fingertips against me, feeling the outline of my muscles. “Morning, Wolf.”
“Morning, Sheep.” I moved over her and placed a kiss on her forehead. Her sexy figure was draped in the sheets, hugging her beautiful curves and barely covering her perky tits. She turned to me for protection and guidance, relying on me as the one person who could keep her safe. It inflated my ego…and made me feel like the luckiest bastard alive.
She propped herself on her elbow then ran her fingers through her hair, being sexy without even trying. She kicked off the sheets slightly and revealed the top half of her body, her sexy tits and hard nipples. She scooted closer to me then wrapped her arm around my stomach. Her head moved to my shoulder, and she sighed in relaxation.
My arm circled her waist, and I kept her anchored to me.
“I’ll never get out of bed…”
“That’s fine with me.”
“But I need to eat…drink…and pee.”
“I think you can make it.”
She chuckled into my shoulder. “Do you have work today?”
“I always have work. I also need to prepare for that party.”
“That’s right. That should be fun.”
I wasn’t much for socializing. All I cared about was getting respect for my family name and earning some cash.
“A Christmas party…there will be lots of champagne, decorations, and cheese.”
“Yes, lots of cheese.”
“I’m excited.” She leaned into me and kissed me on the mouth. “I’ll have to find something to wear.” She scooted out of bed and prepared to get her day started.
I grabbed her by the wrist and dragged her back into the bed. “You can find something to wear later.” I moved between her legs and smothered her back into the mattress. “For now, you’re still mine.”
Abigail ran over the list of everything she would have for the party. “Is there anything else you wanted?”
“No. Looks like you’ve already taken care of everything.” I smoked my cigar behind the desk, the rain pounding against the windows behind me. A winter storm had arrived, but it was expected to clear just before the party. “As always.”
She folded up her list. “Forgive me for asking, but would you like me to invite your father?”
Abigail and I never discussed personal matters, but since she shared occupancy of my estate, she was aware of everything that happened on the premises. She knew my father and I didn’t see eye to eye. She probably had no idea my father wanted to kill Arwen, but it was better if she didn’t know that piece of information. “No.” Even if we were on speaking terms, I doubt he would have wanted to come anyway. He used to be social when my mother was alive, but now that she was gone, he had absolutely no reason to show his face anywhere.
Abigail didn’t blink an eye over my answer. “Alright. Need anything?”
She let herself out.
With my cigar between my teeth, I turned back to my laptop and took care of business. Running a cheese company wasn’t as interesting as my involvement in the underworld had been, but at least it was simple. I had a wife now, and I wouldn’t make my father’s mistakes by living a life of adrenaline. It wasn’t worth it—no matter how much money was on the table.
A few minutes later, Arwen walked inside. Carrying an article of clothing covered by a white plastic bag, she seemed to have found the dress she would be wearing that evening. She all smiles and joy as she walked in, but when she noticed the cigar in my mouth, her eyes changed to two pits of burning hell. She threw the dress over the back of the couch. “Want me to slap you?”
I pulled the cigar out of my mouth and let the smoke rise from my nostrils. “It’s pretty hot…I wouldn’t mind it.”
She stomped to the desk and snatched the burning cigar out of my hand. She smashed it into the black ashtray, pounding it unnecessarily hard like this was really personal. It turned into mashed potatoes right under her fingertips. “If you want me to be your wife, then this has to go.”