Page 52 of Punishing the Brats
He's right, it is way too cold outside, especially considering my outfit. I am wearing one of my short and tight fitting party dresses. Skimpy towels, my mom calls them. I only brought a light cardigan with me since it was still light and rather warm outside when I left. But my getup is definitely not appropriate for the current temperatures. My intoxication probably saved me from suffering too much, though.
I stumble inside, trying to get pass my stepdad, but instead bumping right into him as I lose my balance.
"Careful there!" He warns as he catches me in his undoubtedly strong arms. "How on earth did you get home like this?"
I shrug, still leaning against his chest. He is tall, so much taller than me, even now that I am in my heels. And so freaking muscular! His upper body appears to be hard as rock underneath his sweaty shirt. I knew that he is toned and strong, with the amount of time that he spends lifting weights in our basement gym or jogging around the block, it comes as no surprise. But damn, he feels good.
I cannot help but wonder if he has a real sixpack under there. It definitely feels like it.
"Sorry, daddy," I slur, drunkenly rubbing my face on his chest.
He grabs me by the shoulders and pushes me away.
"You need to get to bed, young lady," he orders. "I cannot believe you dare to show up this late again - and drunk! What will your mother say!"
I look up at him, alarmed. "Please, can we not tell her? She's gonna freak, you know what she's like!"
He lets go of my shoulders and closes the door behind me.
"She only wants what's best for you, Lizzy," he says as he turns around again, setting his dark eyes on me. "I wouldn't feel comfortable keeping this from her. You out there, missing curfew, drinking and doing god knows what at that party!"
I frown again. "What's that supposed to mean?"
"Where there boys at that party?" He wants to know.
I laugh at him. "Of course! My friends! We're not in kindergarten anymore! Don't be ridiculous!"
"Well," he says. "All I know is, your mom has no interest in becoming a grandma all too soon."
I gasp with indignation. "Oh my god - that is such bullshit!"
And with that, I turn around to stagger up to my room, leaving him standing at the door, with his buff arms crossed in front of his chest.
"And besides," I add, turning around when I am half way up the stairs to look down at him. "I'm a virgin! Nothing for you guys to worry about!"
* * *
Why on earth did I say
that? It must have been the alcohol speaking.
Of course, he has nothing to reply to my little revelation. I hear him come up the stairs shortly after I have closed my door behind me. He is heading straight for the bathroom, probably to take a shower after his workout.
A wild idea gets ahold of me as I peel myself out of my tight dress. He is going to be naked in there. And if I am lucky, the door might be unlocked.
Should I dare to? Right now, there's nothing more I would like to do. To surprise him while he takes a shower, just to have a little peak, that is. I just need to see.
But it needs to be fair. If I get to see him, he should get a glimpse of me, too. Right? I am already in my underwear, pondering how much I would be okay for him to see. All? Just my boobs? They are quite big for my rather slim frame, and young and perky. Any man would enjoy them, I am sure. Especially when he is only used to seeing my mom's aged tits. No woman her age can keep up with an eighteen year old, I am sure.
If I keep my bra on, it would not be much different to me wearing a bikini. He has seen me in that before, so it wouldn't be new.
I decide to let go off the bra and allow him to see more than what he is used to seeing at our pool during summer. It wouldn't be fair otherwise.
I sneak out of my room, wearing nothing but my cute little panties, light blue with a slightly ruffled hem. I am sure he will love it. He would be stupid not to.
The water of the shower is still running when I step out in the hallway. I am walking - staggering - on my tiptoes, which is ridiculous, because he wouldn't hear me either way.
The bathroom is at the other end of the hallway, rather far away from my room. I place my hand on the doorknob and carefully and very, very slowly turn it until I hear the click sound that tells me the door is open. Unlocked, just as I have hoped.