Page 51 of Punishing the Brats
The pleasure reached beyond my limit. I could feel my mind starting to fracture and break apart in the euphoria. My body shook, the sweet trickle of bliss shooting through my skin from my hips, from my nipples, to my fingers, my toes, to my brain, to my heart but it was beyond my ability to process. My eyes flickered rolling back into my head and I felt my face comforted by the bed. I had fallen into a blissful heap, tongue lolling out, eyes staring at nothing. But dad kept going. Kept pushing, kept fucking me harder, pushing onward and onward, turning over the burning pleasure until it started climbing again and I shook my head, I couldn't take it.
I gibbered, words mixing together in my rising pleasure. But then I was suddenly drawn out of my pleasure, my mind lifting even higher, higher above the fog, feverish and frightening, the growing heights of pleasure brought me a weird clarity, somewhere in the eye of the storm. I could feel his grip harden, his hips thrusting harder, his need growing and I clamped down around him, drawing him in. I slammed back against him, rolling my hips back to meet him.
"Make me yours, fill me with your seed, do it. Cum inside me daddy!" I cried out. He grunted, his pace quickening, intensity growing and the familiar needy thrusts shot cum deep inside me, the warmth flooding my bringing a satisfied smile to my head as I leaned back, biting my bottom lip turning back to look at him, kissing him. This is what I wanted, I could feel the hole inside me filling, filling with the love we shared. He hugged me tightly to the bed, kissing me on the cheek. I was so enamored, so drunk on him, his scent, his strength, his touch.
"I-I uh don't know how to explain this. This is wrong in every way." He dumbly shook his head staring at me. "I can't reconcile my need for you and your role with me." I stilled his doubt, reaching with my lips across to kiss him. Then I leaned back, turning my eyes up at him from the bed. "Daddy, my role is obvious if you paid any attention. I'm a troublemaker, I'm your troublemaker." I punctuated this with another kiss. He smiled and brought his hand across my stomach possessively. "Promise you'll only ever be my troublemaker." He murmured into my ear. I giggled and kissed him again. There could be no doubt in my mind, I was finally full.
* * *
Cecilia Lawrence is a Melbourne based graduate with a bachelor's degree in Philosophy. When she isn't reading through racy romance novels, she's cycling to work thinking about ways to write them naughtier.
See all my latest works at
The Brat’s Proposition
By Ophelia Stephens
I'm in trouble. More than half an hour late for my curfew and tipsy, because my best friend persuaded me to taste that delicious fruit punch she made for her party tonight. It was super delicious, but also a lot more toxic than the taste suggested.
I am staggering down our driveway, trying to regain composure.
"Okay, Lizzy, you got this," I whisper to myself when I reach our front door and start searching for my keys.
It is so ridiculous anyways. A high school graduate who still has a curfew! I will off to college in just a few months, hundreds of miles away from home. How do they think they can control me then?
Luckily, my mother is not home tonight, because she is away on another 'business retreat' weekend, or so she says. Her suspicious behavior during the lasts months rather suggests that she is having an affair. Sneaking around, having secret phone calls that she abruptly ends when someone enters the room, staying late at work - and these 'retreat' weekends her firm keeps having. It is already the third this year. How can John, my stepdad, be so stupid?
He is home, though. Her loyal spy, who will scold me in her place and make sure that my misbehavior will come to her knowledge.
It takes me forever to find my key. My purse is so messy and big - and I am so drunk, more than I realized before. I thought that taking a little walk home would do me good, clear my head and lessen the alcohol's impact on my system. But if anything, I feel even more drunk than I did when I left my friend's house.
"Ha!" I exclaim as I finally find that damn key. I start fiddling with it at the lock, but getting the key inside appears to be just as complicated as finding it in the black hole that is my pursue.
I shriek in surprise when the door suddenly opens, seemingly by itself.
I am looking up, meeting the stern eyes of my handsome stepfather. His dark, thick hair is ruffled and wet. He is wearing his workout clothes, a tight fit shirt that shows of his remarkable and broad chest and basketball shorts - and he is covered in sweat.
If he wasn't my stepdad, I would say he looks insanely hot right now. Ah, what the heck. I'll say it even though he is my stepdad!
I stare at him with my mouth half opened, dumbfounded by his sexy appearance and the fact that I have broken the rules - again - and am pretty sure that he is more than tired of hearing my excuses.
"Liz," he greets me, raising his eyebrows. "Are you drunk?"
I straighten myself up and shake my head.
"Of course not, daddy," I reply, my voice as sweet as it can be. "You know I'm not allowed to drink. Why would I do that?"
He shakes his head, sighing with exhaustion.
"Lizzy, Lizzy," he mumbles. "I can smell the alcohol on your breath from here, there's no point in lying to me."
I frown at him.
"It was just a little bit!" I try to protest. "Please, I don't want to get in trouble..."
He sighs and steps aside for me to enter the house. "Come in, you must be freezing out there."